About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today is the Day of Salvation: Get Saved (Spiritually Reborn) and Live!

I had the opportunity to visit Trinity Church in Miami today. It was the last day of the play, "The Voice and the Judgement." This play talks about the importance of salvation and the reality of hell. In the play, "the voice" represents God's voice: the gentle whisper, the conviction to obey God and get saved before it's too late.

Getting saved means acccepting Jesus into your heart and life and changing your sinful ways.

The production chronicled the stories of people who were trying to decide whether or not they wanted to get saved before it was too late.

The first story was about Danny Santiago, a devoted father who works six days a week. His wife, Lisa and his daughter, Nicole are both Christians. They invite Danny to come to church, but he says that "being a good person is good enough." He goes on to say that the World Series was that weekend and he didn't want to miss it. He said that his wife and daughter are always in church so they have him covered. Nicole and Lisa went to pick Danny up from work. It was raining really hard and they had a car accident. They all died. The Voice told Lisa and Nicole that they have loved and served him well and they could enter into his Kingdom. Danny told the scribe that he was with Lisa and "all I know is that I'm a good person," but he went to hell. Men are called to be priests of their home, but they are not taking their rightly places. Righteousness comes from God, not from doing good works.

When Lisa and Nicole got to heaven, the scribe said that their names were written in the Book of Life. According to Revelation 21:27: "Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty, but only those whose name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life."

We all have to give an account to God for our actions on judgement day.

The second character was Deacon Darnell Whitney. He was the picture of religious piety, but he was addicted to pornography. The voice asked him, "How long do you think you can hide what's going on?" He replied, "I'll always be a sinner, but God will always cover me." The voice told him that repentance is about changing your behavior. He left church to attend a Miami Dolphins game and ran a red light. He died. When he appeared before the judgement seat of God (Romans 14:10), God asked the scribe if Darnell's name was written in the Book of Life and he said no. God replied, "Only he who does the will of my Father will be allowed to enter." (See MAtthew 7:21)

The third story was about a Sergeant who took a bold step of faith and shared his faith with two other soldiers on the battlezone. He led them in the prayer of salvation and they were saved. God told him," If you had not shared your faith, your friends would have never known eternity."
Another character was Julia. She was single and recently divorced. She lost her husband to another woman. She got pregnant while living with her fiance and had an abortion. After the abortion, the guilt haunted her. God told her that his grace is sufficient for her. (See2 Corinthians 12:9). When she appeared at the judgement seat, Satan asked God for permission to enter and plead his case against Julia. Satan said, "She was a fornicator, a liar, a drug user, a murderer. She killed her own baby. She deserves to spend eternity in hell." Jesus replied, " "I paid her debt" and the scribe said that Julia's record was clear.

The stories continue in the same way, people don't want to change and get saved and they die. A lot of people think that if they get saved, they won't have a normal life. Some people think that they cannot change, but Philippians 2:13 says, "God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what please him."

When you appear at the judgement seat, you cannot tell God that you believed in him, but never went to church. You cannot say that you was about to get saved. On judgement day or at the time of your death, you're either saved or you're not. If you're not, God will say that he never knew you. (See Matthew 7:23, Luke 13:27)

Oprah once said that there are many ways to heaven, but Jesus is the only way to the Father. (See John 14:6)

Faith in God is worth more than gold (1 Peter 1:7). There is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner than ninety-nine righteous people. (Luke 15:7)

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. (Romans 6:23)

All you have to do to get saved is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. Ask God to rescue you: Newsong, "Rescue" and once he does, you don't have to fear judgement day.



Bought with Blood: The Divine Exchange at the Cross

Assurance, Security & Joy of Salvation, Pack of 10

Facing Your Final Job Review: The Judgment Seat of Christ, Salvation, and Eternal Rewards

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