About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Putin's U. S. Adoptions Ban Should Prompt More Domestic Adoptions

Russian President Vladimir Putin banned the adoptions of Russian children to the U.S. Russia has been the biggest supplier of babies for American adoptions. While some argue that this is politicizing children, I beleive it is a great thing.

Celebrities such as Madonna and Angelina Jolie have been adopting children from foreign countries for a long time. Their publicized adoptions have been written about in magazines, but no one seems to hear much about American children being adopted by celebrities. I know that there is still the misconception that America is better off than most countries, but poverty and child neglect abounds in America.

This will provide an opportunity for people to shift their focus on adopting American born babies.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mayan Doomsday Prophecy is a Myth

According to popular belief, the Mayans predicted that the world will end today, Dec. 21, 2012, at midnight and it created pandemonium in some places. My reactions: I will see you tomorrow morning.

The Mayans had many calendars and one of them, the Long Count, ends today. Since the Mayan calendar ends today, people believe that the Earth will be destroyed, possibly by a solar explosion. The Mayan calendar is five days shorter than ours and they believe that Earth was formed in 3114 B.C.

Many people say that today is the Apocalypse or Doomsday, but they said that the world would end in 2000 and even named it "Y2K." The Apocalypse is a theme explored in Hoolywood movies because no one knows when or how the world will end.

My thoughts: live every day as if it's your last and be the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gun Control Legislation Needs to Be Serious

The National Rifle Association continues to take a silent stance after mass shootings like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary. However, despite its silence, what's even more shocking is the fear among U.S. residents that the NRA's 4 million members can choke any potential attempts for tighter gun control laws.

I believe in the power in numbers. However, I wonder why innocent children had to die in such a horrific manner for people to change their stance on gun laws. Columbine taught us that evil gunman could target our schools, but no one ever imagined it would lead to the death of so many promising young children. I believe that Americans should be allowed to protect themselves, but no one needs three guns and no one needs an assault rifle.

Whether or not, gun control legislation will move forward, I hope people give more weight to the scope of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary with the possibility that gunman can attack Americans anywhere and at any moment.

Since writing this post, the NRA has spoken about the shooting at Sandy Hook. On Dec. 21, the NRA's executive vice president Wayne LaPierre blamed gun violence on the music, video games and movies. He defended the need for people to have guns to defend themselves. He also claimed that the federal budget would allow for police presence at every school.

LaPierre's comments were somewhat accurate. America has made gun violence a lucrative business with movies and video games. Some schools have police officers on campus, but that does not stop the fights and violence.

I propose that metal detectors be installed in schools to deter people from entering schools with guns. This was something that was discussed after the Columbia tragedy, but it needs to be seriously explored. If body scanners can be installed at airports, then installing metal detectors is not a far-fetched idea.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Children Buried Today After Connecticut School Shooting

Parents will begin burying their children today after the disheartening shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday.

Among the dead were 20 young children who will be missed this Christmas. Noah Pozner and Jack Pinto, 6, will be buried today as thier parents try to reconcile the facts with the gunman's intentions, whatever they may have been.

While I cannot imagine burying a young child because it is beyond what my mind and heart can allow presently, I remember going to school as a young girl and never having to wonder if I was safe or not. The school buses that took children to school back then were safe and fights were not allowed. The little security guards that we did have were mostly for making sure we were not roaming the hallways and skipping the lunch line.

However, the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting makes me question how safe are American schools if our children are being killed. Metal detectors were once proposed after the Columbine shooting and I think that needs to be discussed right now.

When the gunman killed those children he killed innocence in American schools.

Friday, December 14, 2012

George Balanchine's Nutcracker Delivers

This post follows a tweet that I wrote in November about the popularity of the Nutcracker. The performance of the George Balanchine's Nutcracker is one that is popular around this time. The Nutcracker has been reviewed every year for its story line: how a woman saved Christmas for her family.

Last year I missed an opportunity to attend the Nutcracker because I failed to realize how groundbreaking it was. However, the ballet's revisit to the Arsht Center this year demanded my attention and attendance so I attended the opening night of Miami City Ballet's The Nutcraker on Thurs., December 20. I enjoyed the ballet. It was fun and entertaining as the reviews said it would be.

The nutcracker itself is a toy soldier and has been used to decorate office buildings. However, in the wake of the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, I realized that the Nutcracker is not just about saving Christmas, it is about saving Christmas for the children.

The ballet begins with two children, Marie and Fritz. Marie is dressed in a white dress with red lining on the shoulder and the bottom of the dress. She is trying to wake up Fritz, her brother. The scene then changes to a room full of people bringing three big boxes of gifts. The Nutcracker is showcased, wearing red boots and white pants.

However, the ballet quickly showed that naughty or nice, children will still receive gifts as one of the boys stomps on Marie's doll, a Nutcracker. The ballet then transforms the stage into children dancing in pairs.

Marie then falls asleep on the couch with her Nutcraker. Her mother finds her with the help of a candle and puts a red shawl around her. Marie is then bothered by mice. Sixteen Nutcrackers fight eight rats and Marie then sleeps soundly again.

After the interlude, Act II is introduced by pairs of girls dressed as angels. This second half is all about danicng and the costumes of the different characters highlight the beauty of Christmas.
The shoooting at Sandy Hook Elementary happened right before Christmas and I am sure that the families of the young children who died had already bought a Christmas tree and gifts for them, which makes the timing of the shooting all the more sadder.

This Christmas, as always, do not forget about the children!

I attended the Nutcracker play on Wednesday, December 26. The play began will all the excitement of Christmas as Martha and David, a married couple and their daughter, Clara wait for the arrival of their son, Fritz, a soldier. The excitement wanes as the Christmas party is cancelled after the couple learns that their son is dead.

MArtha's uncle arrives with an appetite for her Christmas cookies. He gives Clara, a Nutcracker, which is a toy soldier that is identical to Fritz, and tries to help her revive Christmas. Clara's Nutcracker and dolls come alive and try to help her bake cookies. But, they are interrupted by rats, who hate Christmas and try to stop them from baking the cookies and keep Clara from cutting the Christmas tree. The tone of the house turns gloomy when David learns that Clara cuts the tree that was built when Fritz was born.

The play's intermission was led by a wedding proposal. Children were allowed to play in fake snow made of plastic bags. Overall, this was a great play and it was well attended. However, there was a little girl sitting in front of me who asked her mother to go home because she was tired. Maybe, the times should be earlier for the children.

Tighter Gun Control Laws can Limit Gun Violence

Gun violence is becoming too familiar in the news, both locally and internationally. On Wednesday, a Portland, Oregon mall was closed down due to a shooting, which claimed the lives of two people and the gunman. Today, I awakened to a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that claimed the lives of 26 people. MSN reported that six adult women, eight boys and 12 girls, all ages six and seven were killed.

This is the first shooting that I know of that occurred at an elementary school. Adam Lanza, 20, shot 20 children and six adults at the school after shooting his mother. According to Fox News, Lanza's brother, Ryan told the FBI that his brother had a personality disorder and was autistic. It was also reported that his parents had divorced in 2009. While the reason for the shooting remains unclear, there is never a reason to kill innocent children.

The second amendment right to bear arms does not supersede God's commandment, "thou shall not kill."

These two entirely different incidences of gun violence proves that gun violence is not just in our schools and movie theaters, but it is everywhere and something must be done to stop it. The National Rifle Association spends a lot of money pushing its agenda forward, but it is time for politicians such as President Obama to act now before it is too late. Tears and memorials made of flowers are inadequate.

I suggest that the people who buy guns should be required to attend a counseling session to work out their issues before they can purchase a gun legally. Clearly, almost every instance of gun violence involves a troubled individual who chose a gun instead of words or walking away.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Right to Work Means Right to Choose

Michigan Governor Rick Synder passed bills allowing workers to choose whether they want to pay union fees or not today.  Protestors have expressed anger over Michigan's new bills regarding unions in their state since last week partly because unions are usually very successful at negotiating on behalf of workers during labor disputes. However, despite all the protest the bills have still been passed into legislation.

This legislation is surprising to many because Michigan is the state where the United Auto Workers was formed. Union officials argue that workers will have less wages and there will be limited resources to advocate for their rights. But, other states since have Indiana have passed similar measures.

I think workers should have the right to choose, but unions need to restructure so they have more funds to help those workers who do decide to become members.

Friday, December 7, 2012

My Top 5 Art Basel Picks

Art Basel continues to complete the cultural experience in Miami every December. This was my first time attending Art Basel, but I can truly say that it was worth every penny. While it took me over an hour and a half to walk row by row to see every piece of art, there are five art pieces that I think everyone should see. These pieces were chosen because of their uniqueness and quality.

1. Will Ryman's "Bird"
This was part of Paul Kasman Gallery and it was basically a bird made of steel nails. The rose in the bird's mouth softened the nails and made this the one piece that stood out from among many.

2. James Casebere's "Green Staircase"
This was a picture of a staircase with rippling water on the floor. This art piece also featured a slightly opened white door. This was a very contemporary art piece and one that could be included in an office or dorm room.

3. Paul Vivacqua
This art piece was at the north end of the exhibits and it featured sand with speakers and a CD scattered throughout the sand. This was interesting because it reminded me of someone seeking tranquility at the beach, but finding it difficult to be without music.

4. "The Eye of History"

This piece was by Marc Quinn and it was also called the Atlantic Perspective. The eyeball was colored in blue and white with the black pupil staring back at you.

5. Vik Muniz's Mona Lisa. Everyone considers Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa a significant piece of art, but da Vinci's work was made from Gordian puzzles, making it even more stunning than before.

Art Basel also surprisingly featured many untitled art pieces such as Robert Longo's picture of a roaring tiger and Barbara Kruger's Untitled, which featured the phrase, "Do I have to give up me to be loved by you?"

Andy Warhol was also included in the exhibition hall, but the pictures of naked sexual parts was not the Andy Warhol that I expected to encounter. Finally, Starbucks made an appearance in Jani Leinenen "Starbucks Cuckoo," a clock featuring various men and a horse.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chemical Weapons in Syria Confound Me

Reports continue to swirl about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's alleged intentions to use chemical weapons to harm Syrians. This is part of his efforts to stay in power and crush his country's rebellion. CNN reported today that some of the chemical weapons that can be used include mustard gas, sarin gas and VX gas. These chemical weapons exist as a result of a 1980s development program supported by Russia and Iran. Most of them attack the nervous system and can lead to death.

As I continue to hear these news reports, I remember Adolf Hitler who tried to completely annihilate the Jews and my mind wonders how in 2012, chemical weapons can possibly be used on human beings. I believe and hope that the human race has learned its lessons from massacres throughout history. Since UN peacekeeping efforts have not surprisingly failed, it seems the only thing the world can do is pray that al-Assad does not harden his heart and does not massacre the citizens of his own country.

Clearly, the world's governments still need to be reformed!

Marijuana Legalized in Washington, Colorado Means a Step Back

Washington, Colorado made it legal to have, but not buy and sell marijuana today. I believe this is a step backwards for society and our legal system. I hope other states and the federal government do not follow the same path.

The arguments for the use of medical marijuana are not strong. Some parents of children as young as two years old maintain that medical marijuana helps treats conditions such as severe epilepsy, severa autism and ADHD. However, I know that they are enough brilliant minds in America to develop cure for diseases that medical marijuana is being used to treat. Legalizing marijuana for medicinal use only means that scientists will probably stop developing drugs for disorders.

Secondly, the Federal government has spent much time warring against drugs even stopping the exportation of drugs from other countries. With marijuana now legal, our courts will be filled with people arguing with judges and prosecutors about drug possession, claiming that because they could not get a prescription, they had to buy marijuana from a local seller. Or even claiming that they forgot they already had one ounce of marijuana, the legal dose, in their pockets.

Washington, Colorado's action only begs the question: if marijuana becomes legal, will cocaine be next?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

U. S. Drone Captured in Iran

Iranian state TV flaunted a picture of a U.S. drone captured while trying to enter Iran's airspace. A map of the Persian Gulf also featured the words "We shall trample on the US."

This is the first drone captured in Iran since last year's destruction of a CIA spy drone. President Obama quickly denied the rumor, but I have one comment for the Obama Administration: spying and antagonism only makes things worse.

Osama bin Laden may have been killed in a secret operative, but that tactic will not work for other countries.

President Ahmadinejad is a known militant who said that he would wipe Israel off the map. While negotiations have proved inane with Iran, spying will only enflame Iran to seek and follow its desired course of action.

Spying will eliminate any hope for peace with Iran and I know that peace still exists.

Anti-Semitism in Miami Beach

America may still be considered the melting pot, but hate against various religious groups remains  rampant. The Anti Defamation League issued a press release today informing that graffiti was painted in front of a Miami Beach Chabad' s Hanukkah display this past weekend.

Luckily, this was not an actual hate crime. However, when I hear stories of swastikas being painted in Jewish neighborhoods, I immediately know that someone is missing a lecture or course in Jewish history.

Here's a one sentence history: Jews survived Nazi death camps and have fluorished in America while maintaining their own communities in Miami Beach, Sunny Isles and Broward.

When we fail to learn another person's history, our ignorance can lead us to hurt them in ways we would not have. In addition, God commands us to love and painting hurtful images about other people does not honor his commandment, which is the greatest commandment of all.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Predicted Fiscal Cliff Has Solutions

The raising of the debt ceiling gave Americans the illusion that there would be no new debt or spending problems under the Obama Administration. However, I cannot change the TV channel without hearing the word "fiscal cliff." The Democrats and Republicans remain locked in a bitter duel that reminds me of children throwing temper tantrums to get their own way.

This fiscal cliff will lead to more taxes for Americans and $400 billion in cuts to Medicare, leading to an even more unstable economy and thereby making President Obama a poor steward of our economy.

I propose a solution to the alleged impending fiscal cliff: reduce aid given to foreign countries and focus on domestic affairs. I also suggest the withdrawal of American troops to reduce war spending. This will provide more money in the fiscal budget and avoid raising taxes on everyone. President Obama needs to allow foreign countries to govern themselves and depend on their wealthy citizens to stabilize their country. I have given to foreign countries in the past and so do many Americans. However, we cannot neglect our own country in order to help other countries.

The Libyan President is so wealthy that he gave millions to American singers Mariah Carey and Beyonce to entertain him and his family. The singers later gave the money to charity during the fighting in Libya, but the fact that Libya could pay them that much proves that they have wealth.

This solution to the fiscal cliff has more weight because President Obama sent millions to Pakistan, the same country that harbored American enemy and terrorist Osama bin Laden on their soil. Meanwhile, bin Laden was plotting another attack on American soil.

The Obama Administration fails to remember that our democracy should serve us and make us freer. The more we intervene and interfere in foreign affairs, the less time we focus on domestic issues such as unemployment. Being mired in debt is not the American way or the American dream.