About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tighter Gun Control Laws can Limit Gun Violence

Gun violence is becoming too familiar in the news, both locally and internationally. On Wednesday, a Portland, Oregon mall was closed down due to a shooting, which claimed the lives of two people and the gunman. Today, I awakened to a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that claimed the lives of 26 people. MSN reported that six adult women, eight boys and 12 girls, all ages six and seven were killed.

This is the first shooting that I know of that occurred at an elementary school. Adam Lanza, 20, shot 20 children and six adults at the school after shooting his mother. According to Fox News, Lanza's brother, Ryan told the FBI that his brother had a personality disorder and was autistic. It was also reported that his parents had divorced in 2009. While the reason for the shooting remains unclear, there is never a reason to kill innocent children.

The second amendment right to bear arms does not supersede God's commandment, "thou shall not kill."

These two entirely different incidences of gun violence proves that gun violence is not just in our schools and movie theaters, but it is everywhere and something must be done to stop it. The National Rifle Association spends a lot of money pushing its agenda forward, but it is time for politicians such as President Obama to act now before it is too late. Tears and memorials made of flowers are inadequate.

I suggest that the people who buy guns should be required to attend a counseling session to work out their issues before they can purchase a gun legally. Clearly, almost every instance of gun violence involves a troubled individual who chose a gun instead of words or walking away.

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