About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl

This year's Super Bowl is unique because of two factors: Sandy Hook Elementary and the Harbaugh Brothers.

Twenty-six children from Sandy Hook Elementary school will sing "America the Beautiful" with Jennifer Hudson. This will help Americans remember the young victims and also highlight that America needs to find a way to stop tragedies such as the one that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary.

The second unique factor is that this year's Super Bowl will be coached by two brothers, Jim and John Harbaugh. This year's Super Bowl has been nicknamed the "Harbaugh Bowl" and the parents of the brothers held a press conference in which they said that they would emotionally support both the winner and loser of this year's Super Bowl.

This is a good way to maintain good family relationships, but the Baltimore Ravens have been favored to win.

Another notable element of this year's Super Bowl is that Ray Lewis will retire after this year's game. He has been in the spotlight because of his religious views.

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