About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Other Perpetrators' Punishment

Jeaccinette Philogene, a jealous Haitian witch did not act alone when she did witchcraft to try to kill me and try to make me suffer. Here is a list of the other perpetrators, their contribution and punishment.

Jeaccinette's niece. She began suffering before everyone else. She asked about my employment status in 2009 to give information to Jeaccinette. She later talked bad about me when she was in Haiti. They sent a baka on her in 2009 and she had scorpions crawling over your body and fevers. She attended meetings with my mother's sister plotting my demise and said that she wanted me to suffer until I die because she is jealous of me. She talked to the spirit of Jeaccinette's mother that possesses Jeaccinette and the dead spirit told her to kill me. She cried when you could not find a job and then did witchcraft on a pastor to make him marry her and did witchcraft to get a job. Monique married the pastor in Dec. 2011 after doing witchcraft on him to try to hide your sins. She is a false prophet who tell people lies so Jeaccinette can do witchcraft on them. She told my mother that she would have a sickness after she and Jeaccinette planned on putting diabetes on her using witchcraft. Jeaccinette wanted her to have children every year for ten years while she did witchcraft so I stayed unemployed.

Jeaccinette told her things about me and she became more jealous of me. Jeaccinette started doing witchcraft in 2014 to make her like me so she could do witchcraft  to make it seem like she is not jealous of me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to steal one of my Christian teaching CDs to give to her because she thinks that will make her Christian like me and then people will think that Monique is not jealous of me and so she can do witchcraft to make the pastor like her. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Monique Presendieu like me because Monique Presendieu is jealous of me and so she can do witchcraft to make the pastor Monique Presendieu did witchcraft to make marry her like Monique Presendieu.

Jeaccinette wants to try to do witchcraft so she does not die for her sins so she can continue doing witchcraft on me after she dies.

Jeaccinette wanted her to wear a pink wedding dress when she married the pastor because everyone knows that my mother's niece was sexually active and should not have married the pastor. My mother's sister did witchcraft to make her fall in 2014. Monique called Jeaccinette a demon before she married the pastor and after she became pregnant, she did not trust Jeaccinette to cook food for her and the pastor. Monique called Jeaccinette a demon. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Monique name her daughter Monica. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Monique's sisters Germaine and Madeline get pregnant. She said that my father's cousin, Albert did witchcraft on her and her siblings. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people say Albert is jealous of Monique because a Haitian witchdoctor said Jeaccinette, Monique and Jeaccinette's relatives did witchcraft on me because they are jealous of me.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her and other people read my blog. She lied and said that she and others Googled her name and found my blog and wants me to erase what I wrote so her husband (the pastor) does not know that she did witchcraft on him. She also lied and said that I wrote things on my blog that I did not. She said that my head was not good when my mind is saved. Jeaccinette has been doing witchcraft to try to get a picture of my brain so she could do witchcraft to make me crazy and stupid. Monique said that she would call the police and take me to court so I could erase what I wrote on my blog because Jeaccinette wants Monique to sue me so Monique is not poor. Jeaccinette has been doing witchcraft to make me erase this blog post and what I wrote on my blog. Monique said that she would keep checking my blog and she did not.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to take my things so she and her could give them back to me.

Jeaccinette said that she should be my sister and did witchcraft to make her steal what I wrote and copyright it and lie and say that that Jeaccinette's daughter, Stephanie Philogene helped her write it.

Monique and Jeaccinette are trying to come up with plans to change my heart so they don't pay and die for doing witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make me have a baby when I am 40 years old because Monique had a baby when she is 40 years old so Monique is not jealous of me for having a baby at a younger age than her.

Jeaccinette and Monique do not want me to have long hair. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so my hair is not long and is doing witchcraft so my hair is not long. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Monique come to my parents' house and did witchcraft to make my mother  say that her hair is long.

I did not go to Monique's wedding. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Monique go to my wedding.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill the pastor who Monique did witchcraft to make marry her. Jeaccinette wants to do witchcraft to hook me up with a Haitian man after I called the Haitian man fat, ugly and a dirty Haitian so she can do witchcraft to make me get married when I am 40 years old because Monique got married when she was 40 years old and because Malikah is desperate. Jeaccinette will never do witchcraft to hook me up with people or do witchcraft to make me get married to Haitians like her. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people get married because Monique did witchcraft to make the pastor marry her.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Monique Presendieu's Genide go to school in Argentina. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Genide get married to an Argentinian man and did witchcraft to make Genide get pregnant.

Monique's mother: she and Monique's father did witchcraft on me 

Monique's sister. Jeaccinette wants her to stab me in the back. Hugette said that I was paranoid when I told her that I didn't trust her. Belone did witchcraft on me so I never get a job. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people hire Belone.

Jeaccinette's sister. She did witchcraft on me. She had a meeting with Monique and Jeaccinette about me. She said she wants me to not have a job for four years. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill her husband Tan Mertilus Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people say someone else did witchcraft to kill Cia's husband so she can do witchcraft so she does not die for doing witchcraft to kill Cia's husband Tan. She lied and said Jeaccinette didn't do witchcraft on me.

She turned Jeaccinette into a mambo so she could do witchcraft on me in 2009. She taught her how to use satanic prayers to do witchcraft on me while I slept. She later stopped helping Jeaccinette because she is scared of me and realized that she would die for her sins after she began to suffer. Jeaccinette wanted her to show her how to use a satanic prayer on me so Jeaccinette could do witchcraft to make me go to Haiti in my sleep and to get married in my sleep.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to plant a dream in my head of her doing medicine for me. Jeaccinette wants to do medicine for me so she can put me in a hole.

Jeaccinette's nephew. He lives in Haiti. He told Jeaccinette to put witchcraft in my eyes so she could monitor me so she can do witchcraft so people don't hire me after she called him to tell him that I found a job and their witchcraft to close doors for me was not working. He did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make him go to the Dominican Republic so she can do witchcraft to blame Dominicans for the witchcraft she did on me. Jeaccinette knew about my job because she did witchcraft to listen to Hugette's phone calls. Jeaccinette put witchcraft in my eyes so she could monitor me and do witchcraft on every job that I applied to so they do not hire me. He also gave her a human bone after using it on me so my mother's sister could sand down and do witchcraft on me whenever she wanted, but it could not harm me after I put a stop to it. He talked with Jeaccinette every day and told her how to do witchcraft on me.  Jeaccinette told him to do witchcraft on people so they do not catch her doing witchcraft on them. She heard the revelation that I received that someone would catch her doing witchcraft on them and would make her pay. Since Jeaccinette is scared and Jeaccinette said that he is stupid, she told him to do witchcraft on them and never told him that he would be caught doing witchcraft and pay for it instead of her.

Jeaccinette wants him to die and wants bad things for his children.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft on his brother, Charite and on him. She did witchcraft to send them to the Dominican Republic so she could do witchcraft on me and blame Dominicans for the witchcraft that she did on me.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make his brother Adiles sick. 

Jeaccinette's daughter. She did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to use me for her after she did witchcraft so I don't survive the witchcraft she did on me.

Jeaccinette's daughter. Jeaccinette stole company names from me to do witchcraft to make them hire her and her brother Ronel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her get married after she did witchcraft to make her break up with her boyfriend. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her major in psychology because she is jealous of me. 

Jeaccinette's son. He did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hook him up with a Jamaican woman. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make the Jamaican woman pregnant and did witchcraft to make him cohabitate with the Jamaican woman. Jeaccinette said the Jamaican woman slept on the bed and didn't change the bed sheets. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make his girlfriend homeless and sleep in a car because her daughter Stephanie said something about her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't have money to buy food because his son had a feeding tube. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make his son have a liver disease so she can do witchcraft to make people say his son got his genetic disease from his mother's relatives and not because she did witchcraft to put a curse of genetic disease on me. 

She and her sisters did witchcraft so I don't have a job and to make me nervous. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her, her sister and Malikah get pregnant. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her sister get pregnant because she did witchcraft to make her sister have a fibroid. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her and her sister travel because I want to travel. She keeps travelling even though she knows because she is jealous. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make embassies and Carnival Cruise Line hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her daughter have knee surgery. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hook her up with Deny after Deny said he would never talk to a woman who already had a child. She and her sisters did witchcraft to make me crazy and nervous. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her get married to Deny after she cursed Deny's brother out so she can do witchcraft so Deny doesn't break up with her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Deny marry her after she knows that Deny said she be making him mad. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Deny like her because Deny said she be making him mad and because she knew Deny cursed her out every day.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't travel so she can do witchcraft to make her, Guylene, Deny and her sister travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make her, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, her sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Deny, Sony, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean, Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make her, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, her sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean, Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

She, her sisters, Guylene, Malikah, Deny, Luna, Sony and Shatavia know that Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires and heatwaves and she, her sisters, Deny, Sony, Malikah and Guylene keep travelling.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her take one of my panties while I napped so she could witchcraft so I do not have a steady relationship. I threw the panty away after it disappeared.

The brother of Jeaccinette's ex-husband. Jeaccinette used him to do witchcraft on me. He told my father that I should go to the hospital so Jeaccinette could take my blood and plant it in a bottle in front of our house. His son immediately had a terrible car accident and they put a pacemaker in his heart. He later became crazy.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill his mother and after she died on March 6, 2014, Jeaccinette  did witchcraft so her daughter could go to Haiti for the funeral.

Marie Claude's cousin. She did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make me go to church with her because it's an all-girl church. She did witchcraft to keep me out of the way. She did witchcraft so I don't progress. She did witchcraft so I don't have a job and so I don't have a car. She did witchcraft to make me sick and nervous.

He drove me from Yonkers to Brooklyn, an hour drive, to the house that Jeaccinette used to do witchcraft on me while I slept. He knew it was the wrong house and that they had spoofed my phone. He said that I was supposed to suffer because my blessings would be too sweet. On Nov. 20, 2012, his father died.

Jeaccinette heard my revelation that he would regret betraying me and Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft so he does not regret betraying me.

He did witchcraft on me because he does not want me to be a rich.

Mon Delifen: Jeaccinette's sister. Her son Sira helped Jeaccinette do witchcraft on me. Her son Adiles did witchcraft on me. She was later deaf and had a swollen leg before her father died because he killed someone. Jeaccinette lied and said that he died of old age. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to put his spirit in a rock so she could know what I see. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her son Adiles get sick. 

Albert Andre:
He started doing witchcraft on me when I was 15 years old to seek revenge for my parents' sins and because he was jealous of me because I am smart and because he is dissatisfied with his children. He also did witchcraft so I don't touch money and so people don't hire me after I graduated in 2008 although I never told him or Jeaccinette that I went to New York for school.

I wanted to be a lawyer. He did witchcraft so I am not a lawyer because he doesn't want me to be rich and have money. He did witchcraft so I don't have money. He did witchcraft on me because he is jealous of me because I am smart.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft on him and to make him retire so he doesn't pay for doing witchcraft on me. She wants his kids to be deported so Monique's siblings can come, live and stay in the United States.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make him have a fever and a cold.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people say that Albert is jealous of Monique because a witchdoctor told me that Jeaccinette, her sister, Cia and Monique and their relatives are jealous of me.

Janet Andre:
Albert's wife. She did witchcraft on me because she is jealous of me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her have pneumonia. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill her brothers.

Berline Andre:
Albert Andre's daughter. She did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Aventura Hospital hire her and did witchcraft so she does not she did witchcraft to make Aventura Hospital hire her because of Guylene.

Yolette Andre:
Albert Andre's daughter. She did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her lose weight so she can do witchcraft to make her ex-husband get back with her.

She did witchcraft so I never have money with Jeaccinette and is also nicknamed the "devil in the family" by a witchdoctor.  I stopped talking to her because she did witchcraft on me. She lied and said she and Jeaccinette didn't do witchcraft on me.

She is jealous of me. She wants to be my friend. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her friends with me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people say she is something to me because I said she is nothing to me.  Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft so her ex-boyfriend and his mother doesn't know she is the devil.  She double crossed me by asking me to go to Ross with her in 2009 for a luggage that she didn't even need so she could give me a business card that someone put on her windshield wiper so Jeaccinette could take my fingerprint to frame me for murder. She also asked me to give the business card to my father so they could frame him too, but it disappeared because Jeaccinette did witchcraft to take it. She then did witchcraft on money and gave it to me so she could do witchcraft so I do not have luck with money and do not have more money. She later did witchcraft in 2013 with Jeaccinette so I never have money. She has also been giving information to Jeaccinette about my whereabouts. Meanwhile, she pretended like she didn't know that Jeaccinette was doing witchcraft on us while she was helping Jeaccinette. Jeaccinette wants me to be friends with her so she can continue helping her do more witchcraft on me and lie for her and say that Jeaccinette is innocent when she is not. Jeaccinette used the witchcraft that she put in my eyes to monitor me to do witchcraft to get my phone number and she called Luna to give her my phone number and told her to send me a text/picture message on October 29, 2012 and she did. When confronted about the message, Luna lied and claimed she didn't have my phone number and never sent the picture message despite sending me a text message after I told her not to ever text me again. Luna also gave the phone number to  Guylene so she could send me a message. They both lied and said that they did not have my phone number and lied on my brother's girlfriend. My brother's girlfriend said that she sent me a text message after they lied on her when she didn't.

Jeaccinette then did witchcraft on my brother's girlfriend and to make her get pregnant so she could do witchcraft to kill my brother's girlfriend because Guylene and Luna lied on her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make my brother's girlfriend and her sister go to the same concert as me and she did witchcraft to know things about her family and did witchcraft to make her sister go and move to Washington D. C. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her and my brother go to New York after I went. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make my brother's girlfriend get married. Luna and Guylene still talk to my brother's girlfriend after lying on her. I blocked Luna and Guylene on Facebook. I blocked my brother's girlfriend Kerline on Facebook in 2014 because Guylene and Luna was going to lie on her again. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Guylene and her friends with me on Facebook so they can lie on Kerline. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make my friends unfriend me and did witchcraft so people don't accept my Facebook friend request because I blocked Guylene and Luna on Facebook.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her, Guylene, Malikah, Shatavia, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Christy, Christy's sister, Christy's cousin, her ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother travel because I want to travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Guylene, Shatavia and Malikah know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Shatavia, Malikah, Sony, Deny, her ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

No guy wants her, Guylene, Malikah, Luna or Kerline because millions of people have died because of her, Guylene, Malikah, Luna and Kerline. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make nurses know about climate change so she could do witchcraft to make her know what I know and so she could do witchcraft to make her smart. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft on me because she is jealous of me because I am smarter than her and her kids. Jeaccinette has no business doing witchcraft to make her, Kaliah, Guylene, Sony or Kerline be smart because I am smart.

She couldn't pass her tests when she was going to school. She doesn't know what she was supposed to know when she went to school and Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make her know what I know.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Guylene, Shatavia and Malikah know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Shatavia, Malikah, Sony, Deny, her ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette also wants her and Guylene to sue me so I can lose my money because she knows that I will be delivered from her witchcraft. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her do what I want to do before I do it and falsely accuse me of copying her. Jeaccinette wants to try to do witchcraft so she does not die for her sins so she can continue doing witchcraft on me after she dies.

In late 2013, Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make a clinic that I visited as a child hire her and pay her more money than Jackson Memorial Hospital paid her so she could get copies of my medical records for Jeaccinette so she could try to do witchcraft on me and when I prayed for Jeaccinette to have shame because of it, she began doing witchcraft to ask me to pray for Luna to have shame too.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make my hair fall out so her hair could be longer than mine because everyone said and knows that my hair is longer. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to control her and my other siblings and other people because I received revelation that everyone would know that she did witchcraft to control Guylene. Jeaccinette wants me to pray for her to suffer like Guylene, but more. When I did not pray that Jeaccinette did witchcraft to control her because she wanted people to think that Guylene was not the only person that she did witchcraft to try to make like me.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to plant things in my head about her and Guylene so I could feel sorry for them and do not want them to die for their sins. Jeaccinette also did witchcraft to plant dreams in my head of them sticking their tongues in my vagina.

She couldn't pass her tests when she was going to Florida International University. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her pass her tests.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Borinquen Clinic and Jackson North Hospital hire her so she could get my medical records. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Baptist Hospital hire her. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hook her up with a guy named Jean. Jean does not like her. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Luna be like me so she can do witchcraft to make Jean like her because she and Jeaccinette are jealous of me. Jeaccinette knows that Jean does not like her. 

Jeaccinette's puppet. She is nothing to me. I hate her and Jeaccinette. She lied and said she lost her job because of me. She did witchcraft so I never have another job. 

She is jealous of me. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to try to make her be like me and is doing witchcraft to make Luna, Kaliah, Sony and her friends Malikah and Shatavia be like me because she did witchcraft to make her be like me because she, Jeaccinette, Luna, Rony, Sony, Malikah and Shatavia are jealous of me. I don't like Luna Remilien, Kaliah, Malikah or Shatavia. Malikah and Shatavia did witchcraft on me. Guylene did witchcraft on them. Guylene, Kaliah, Malikah and Luna are not like me because I did not lie on people, do witchcraft on people and do not try to be like anyone or dress like anyone. Guylene is like Jeaccinette. Guylene and Jeaccinette lie on people and did witchcraft on me and are jealous of me. Jeaccinette had sex with Guylene. Jeaccinette ate Guylene's vagina. Jeaccinette had sex with her kids.

Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to hook Guylene up with my male friends and is doing witchcraft to make Guylene have sex with me because she wants to do witchcraft to make Guylene have sex with Chantal's husband Ronald, Yolette's ex-husband Kasner, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Hugette's husband Herman, no guy wants Guylene and she did witchcraft to hook Guylene up with Ivan and Ivan does not like Guylene.  Jeaccinette did witchcraft to put a curse on my vagina and did witchcraft to put a lesbian curse on me because I don't want to have sex with her.

Guylene and Jeaccinette are ugly. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make me have scars and pimples on my face because Guylene is ugly and she and Guylene are jealous of me. Guylene said she does not like white people. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Guylene friends with white people.

I really don't like Guylene. I hate Jeaccinette. Jeaccinette is wasting her time doing witchcraft to hook Guylene up with my male friends and with people. because she is stupid. My friends and I do not like Guylene. Jeaccinette is wasting her time doing witchcraft to make Guylene be like me so she can do witchcraft to make guys like her. Jeaccinette has sex with people's husband.

Guylene said she does not like white people. Guylene said white people have wrinkles because they do drugs.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her, Shatavia, Malikah, Luna and Kerline and Kerline's sister, Christy, Christy's sister, Christy's cousin, Luna's ex-byfriend Jean and Jean's mother travel because I want to travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Shatavia, Luna and Malikah know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Shatavia, Luna, Malikah, Sony, Deny, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Shatavia, Luna and Malikah know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Shatavia, Luna, Malikah, Sony, Deny, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

No guy wants Jeaccinette because Jeaccinette did witchcraft on me and to kill people. No guy wants Guylene because Guylene did witchcraft on me and Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to kill people so Guylene can know cities and so Guylene does not pay for her sins. Guylene is worse than me. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Guylene be like me. Guys do not like Guylene and they don't like her because Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make her be like me. If Guylene was something, she would not need anyone to do witchcraft to hook her up with anyone or do witchcraft to make her be like me. If Guylene was not stupid, she would not want to have sex with my friends or with me. If guys liked Guylene, Jeaccinette wouldn't do witchcraft to hook Guylene up with Guylene.

Jeaccinette told someone to put she is something to me on my blog. I hate Jeaccinette. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say she is something to me because I said she is nothing to me because Jeaccinette is stupid. I have not talked to her since 2011 and have no intention of ever talking to her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Guylene talk to me because I said that I will never talk to her and to make me friends with her. She attends church regularly and is constantly criticized for being ungodly, but then said "I am the church" and had the nerve to call innocent people "Satan." She is known to be a habitual and pathological liar and tells people to eat her vagina after starting fights with them. She lied and said that I told her to pray for my sister to break up with her boyfriend when I did not. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her lie on me in 2014. She lied on her Silver Knight application and put that she volunteered for 900 hours when she did not volunteer for 900 hours. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't volunteer because she lied and said I lied on my Silver Knight application. Jeaccinette put witchcraft in my eyes to monitor me and to try to make her like me so that she would want my life and eventually do witchcraft to try to kill me for it, which is never going to happen. Jeaccinette even did witchcraft to tell me to leave the witchcraft in my eyes so she could continue trying to make Guylene like me and stealing things from me to give to her. Jeaccinette convinced herself that she could make Guylene like me so she could try to bother me. She did witchcraft to make Guylene do what I did, go where I went, buy what I want and have and do what I want to do, try to ruin my life and other things. When Jeaccinette heard the revelation that I received that she could never make Guylene like me, Jeaccinette had the audacity to ask me to pray so that Guylene could be like me so her plan to bother me could work. Of course, I did not do that. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to try to control me because she has no power over me and because Guylene knowingly allowed Jeaccinette to control her. Guylene does what Jeaccinette tells her to do. When Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hear the revelation that I received that she could not control me like Guylene, she tried to do witchcraft to control me like she controlled Guylene and wanted to do witchcraft to make people lie and say that she controlled me when she never can! Jeaccinette told her what to do in her sleep and Guylene did everything Jeaccinette told her to do, which was basically what I did and wanted to do. Jeaccinette later tried to use other people to cover her sins and put witchcraft on Guylene to try to cover up what they were doing, but it did not work because all of her witchcraft is stupid and obvious.

Here are specific examples of what they did: Guylene told my parents, "Anyway New York is not all that." Jeaccinette later did witchcraft to make her go to New York because I bought a plane ticket to go to New York. She told Luna and brothers, "we should go to New York." Jeaccinette later did witchcraft to make me poor so she and Luna could do what I was doing and wanted to do. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I do not have money to buy tickets to go to the Nutcracker so she could do witchcraft to make her go to the Nutcracker. Jeaccinette also did witchcraft to make Guylene repeat what I said and after Guylene said, "white people have wrinkles because they do drugs" and my brother said that she was ignorant; Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make someone call me ignorant. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her know what I know. This is one of her sad attempts to try to make us the same although Jeaccinette clearly knows that we are not friends and she can never be me. She also did witchcraft to make her do the same things as one of my friends so she can somehow make her "steal" my friend even though she knows that none of my friends will never talk to either one of them. My friend said she would never talk to Guylene or Luna. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make my friend get my address and is doing witchcraft to make her come to my father's house and talk to my mother. My friend told me not to tell my mother and relatives about her. Jeaccinette then did witchcraft to make Guylene have friends because Jeaccinette did witchcraft to listen to my revelations and heard the revelation that I received that I would have friends like I prayed. Jeaccinette also did witchcraft so she has friends like me and did witchcraft to hook her up with my male friends and acquaintances. Jeaccinette said if they like me, they should like Guylene. None of my male friends and acquaintances would ever talk to her. My friends said they will never talk to Guylene. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Guylene have friends. No one wants to be friends with Guylene. The people who were friends with Guylene stopped talking to Guylene because Guylene talked bad about them and is phony. Jeaccinette has wanted Guylene to have sex with me, cut my throat and set me on fire while I sleep since 2011. Jeaccinette did witchcraft on my vagina and did witchcraft to put a lesbian spirit on me because I do not want to have sex with Guylene. Jeaccinette wants her to put powder on the floor, powder that makes people have AIDS on my bed and in the gallon of juice to do witchcraft on me. Guylene would have done all of these things if I did not know about them.

Jeaccinette later tried to control other people like she controlled Guylene and tried to do witchcraft to do the same thing to them so she could make people think that Guylene was not the only one that she controlled and did witchcraft to try to make like me.

Jeaccinette later did witchcraft to know what I wanted to do. She stole things that I had written years ago of things that I wanted to do and did witchcraft to make Guylene do them. Jeaccinette somehow believed that she could falsely accuse me of copying although she was stealing things from me to give to her. She also did witchcraft to repeatedly try to make me poor so she could do what I wanted to do and in Jeaccinette's mind, somehow live my life, which is something that no one can do even though Jeaccinette believes she can do witchcraft to make people live my life. 

Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people like Guylene. Jeaccinette did witchcraft in 2013 to make my father forget my birthday and so he did not buy me a birthday cake. She did witchcraft to make my dad buy a birthday cake for bitter Guylene. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I didn’t have money to do anything and go anywhere for my birthday. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make them buy another cake for Guylene again in 2014 and she did witchcraft so I don’t have money to buy my own birthday cake in 2014. Jeaccinette said that I should regret that everyone doesn’t know that she did witchcraft to make my dad buy a birthday cake for bitter Guylene and not for me. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to wake me up and tell me it was Guylene's birthday and she then did witchcraft so I could not breathe and to make me go to the emergency room at North Shore Hospital so she could do witchcraft to take my blood again. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make me have diarrhea the next day because I told the doctor that she did witchcraft on me.

Jeaccinette knows my birthday and age because she did witchcraft to take my birth certificate in 2009 and sent it to her relatives in Haiti.

Although Jeaccinette knew that Guylene would both pay for their sins as well as her, she decided to continue trying to make her like me (because she said that she does not care about her), to use her to do witchcraft on me and Guylene kept going along with her plan. Jeaccinette also wants to try to do witchcraft so Guylene does not die for her sins so she can continue doing witchcraft on me after Jeaccinette dies. However, Jeaccinette is dying herself and she is helpless and weak. In addition, she has a daughter who is dying and paying for her sins and she cannot do anything to help her except try to find ways to use me. She will regret trying to use me!

Lovely, the person who did my taxes for 2012 told me that her mother was in the hospital and because Jeaccinette has been doing witchcraft to monitor me, she did witchcraft to tell me to ask Lovely what sickness her mother had and I did not. Jeaccinette then told Guylene to ask Lovely what sickness her mother had and then Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill Lovely's mother.  After Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill Lovely, she did witchcraft to tell me to make Lovely file my income taxes for 2013. When I did not, she did witchcraft on tax preparers so they do not file my income taxes. She also did witchcraft on tax companies and tax software so that my tax refund would be wrong. Jeaccinette thought that she could do witchcraft to force me to go to Lovely. Guylene lied and said that she does not know anything about Lovely and only knows that she does income taxes.

On June 28, 2012, after Guylene started trouble with me again. Guylene said that I was dying and Jeaccinette was not. The funny thing is that God revealed to me that Jeaccinette has been dying since January 2013, but yet Jeaccinette is still trying to do witchcraft on me. There is no amount of witchcraft that Jeaccinette could ever do that would ever kill me including her plan to put AIDs on me. Clearly,Jeaccinette is too afraid to do anything to me and is using other people to try to do witchcraft on me and say things, but yet Jeaccinette has been trying to cover her sins and blame others so they do not die for their sins. In Jeaccinette's twisted mind, it's OK for innocent people like me to suffer and die because she is jealous of me. She thought that she could kill me with the help of her relatives like they killed her brother in law by doing witchcraft to put a blood disease on him.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to erase my prayers for Guylene so she does not pay for her sins and she also want me to pray bad things for her because Jeaccinette did witchcraft to listen to my revelations and heard the revelation about my prayers. Jeaccinette also did witchcraft to try to control me like she is controlling Guylene because she cannot control me like she is controlling Guylene.

She, Ritane and Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't have another job. She lied and said I said Jeaccinette did witchcraft on everyone.

She had a 2.7 g. p. a. when she graduated from Miami Dade College. She said Miami Dade College was hard for her.

Guylene's friend. She did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her hook Guylene up with a Puerto Rican guy named Ivan because she wants to do witchcraft to make Guylene have sex with Yolette's ex-husband, Yolette's sister Chantal's husband, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and with Hugette's husband. She hooked her friend up with Ivan because Ivan doesn't like Guylene.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her, Guylene, Malikah, Luna and Kerline and Kerline's sister, Christy, Christy's sister, Christy's cousin, Luna's ex-byfriend Jean and Jean's mother travel because I want to travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Guylene, Luna and Malikah know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Sony, Deny, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Guylene, Luna and Malikah know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Sony, Deny, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Malikah: Guylene's friend. She did witchcraft on me. She did witchcraft to make me sick and to make me have a car accident. She did witchcraft so things don't go well for me. She has frog eyes and is desperate. Her ex-boyfriend dumped her and got engaged to another girl. Her mother gave her to her father after she had her because she did not want her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her friends with her mother. Guylene helped Jeaccinette do witchcraft to hook her up with Sony.

Guys don't like her or Guylene. She is desperate for a guy.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her be like me so she can do witchcraft to make guys like her because her ex-boyfriend dumped her and got engaged to another man. It's embarrassing that Malikah, Guylene and Luna did witchcraft on me and Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Malikah, Guylene and Luna be like me. No guy wants Malikah or will ever like Malikah, Guylene, Luna, Shatavia or Kerline. Millions of people have died because of Malikah, Guylene, Luna, Shatavia and Kerline.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her, Guylene, Shatavia, Luna and Kerline and Kerline's sister, Christy, Christy's sister, Christy's cousin, Luna's ex-byfriend Jean and Jean's mother travel because I want to travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make her, Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make her, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

She did witchcraft to make me sick and Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her do nursing because Guylene couldn't do nursing because Guylene didn't have a 3.0 g. p. a. A nurse doesn't do witchcraft to make peoople sick. She said she doesn't understand her teachers. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her understand her teachers and did witchcraft to make her get an A in a class at Miami Dade College.

Christy: Guylene's friend. She did witchcraft on me with Guylene so I don't have another job. She couldn't find a job. She and Guylene never got a job without Jeaccinette's witchcraft after they graduated from Barry University. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Guylene be friends with her.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her, her sister and her cousin travel because I want to travel.  Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hook her cousin up with a Puerto Rican guy and did witchcraft to make her cousin get pregnant.

He did witchcraft on me. He did witchcraft so I don't have a job and so I don't progress. He said he hates Guylene and would never talk to Guylene's friend, but he let Guylene hook him up with her friend. He said bad things about Guylene's friend. He can't get a job without Jeaccinette's witchcraft. He said Hispanic people are racist.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make him travel because I want to travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill Miami Beach police officer Edward Perez and Miami Beach commissioner Mark Samuelian because she did witchcraft to make Miami Beach hire him to be a code compliance officer.

Jeaccinette has been stealing company names from me to do witchcraft to make them hire him. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Allied Universal, Kent Security, Overtree and Security Alliance hire him. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so he doesn't lose his security license.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Deny, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Deny: He did witchcraft on me with Kerry. He and Kerry did witchcraft so I don't have a job. He lied and said he didn't do witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make him travel because I want to travel.  Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette wants him to rape people and me.

Rony: He did witchcraft so I never have a job and so I don't move out of my father's house. He lied and said he didn't do witchcraft on me. He called me stupid and he never passed the FCAT. He is lazy and doesn't want to work. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Uber and Lyft hire him. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Uber lay off 400 people and did witchcraft to make Lyft lay off people because she did witchcraft to make Uber and Lyft hire him. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make his daughter Kaliah be like me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kaliah be smart because I am smart and speak Spanish because I speak Spanish. His daughter Kaliah called me and other people's kids who knew their birthday and their age when they were two years old stupid. Kaliah didn't know her birthday or her age when she was 7 years old.

Deny called him and Guylene a freeloading junkie. He lives with his daughter and girlfriend at my father's house. He and his girlfriend don't pay any bills at my father's house. He told his daughter Kaliah to stay away from me and to get away from me and then did witchcraft so I don't move out of my father's house because I am not a freeloading junkie like him.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't move out of my father's house so she can do witchcraft to make him and Kaliah live with me. He and Kaliah will never live with me.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people have the coronavirus so she could do witchcraft so there was no school because she doesn't want to go to school. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her get As and Bs. is selfish. 

He and his girlfriend don't take care of Kaliah.

Rony and Kaliah abused other people's kids because they are jealous of them and because they don't like other people's kids. He and Kaliah lied and said they did not hit other people's kids. 

He and Kaliah are phony. He took Kaliah to the house of the parents of the kids who he and Kaliah are abusing. All of the kids' live in a house with their parents. Kaliah is the only one who who lives at her grandparents' house with her grandparents and her parents.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony and Kaliah go to the house of the parents of the kids who he and Kaliah abused after their parents told Rony they don't want him and Kaliah to go to their house. Rony said he doesn't want the kids to go to his room and after Kaliah told the kids to get out of her room, Kaliah asked to go to the kids' parents' house and slept in the kids' room. I would not let Kaliah in my kids' room or other kids' room or in my house after she said told my kids and other people's kids to get out of her room. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony use the car of the parents of the kids who he and Kaliah abused and did witchcraft to make Rony and Kaliah go to their house.

Guylene is helping Jeaccinette do witchcraft to make DCF take Luna's daughter. 

Kaliah and Rony are never going to go to my house. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make someone crash into a car that he was driving after she did witchcraft to make him know she did witchcraft to make her son have a car accident so she could do witchcraft to make her son buy a car.

Kaliah's mother Samora said bad things about Rony.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hook Samora up with a guy named Sean. Samora was in Rony's room on his birthday for hours while she was dating her boyfriend. Samora slept in Rony's room for more than 2 days and didn't tell her boyfriend Sean. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Sean like Samora.

Samora is quiet. She treats my father bad and doesn't tell my father hi. She uses people.

Sony said he would not open the door for Hugette and then went to Hugette's house to wash his clothes. I would not open the door of my house for Sony after he said he would not open to door for me.

Ronel: Jeacccinette's son. He did witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make him get hired to be a code compliance officer because I saw a code compliance officer's car. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Comcast hire him.

Wilner: Jeaccinette's son. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to hook him up with a woman and did witchcraft to make him get the woman pregnant. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill the woman's father.

Kerry: He did witchcraft on me with Deny. He and Deny did witchcraft so I don't have a job. 

Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make her travel because I want to travel and because she did witchcraft to make him get married to a woman named Rose because his mother didn't want him to marry Rose. Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't travel so she can do witchcraft to make her travel. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be wildfires so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make there be heatwaves so she could do witchcraft to make Kerline, Guylene, Luna, Malikah and Shatavia know about cities and countries and so she could do witchcraft to make him, Kerline, Kerline's sister, Guylene, Luna, Malikah, Shatavia, Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean and Jean's mother and Kerry go to cities and countries.

Ritane: She did witchcraft on me with Jeaccinette and Guylene so I don't have a job. She lied and said she and Jeaccinette didn't do witchcraft on me. I really don't like her. She knows that Jeaccinette had sex with her.

David: He did witchcraft so I don't work, so I don't have a car, so I don't move out of my father's house and so I get stranded

Hugette: She did witchcraft to tie me down and did witchcraft so I don't have a job. She lied and said she and Jeaccinette didn't do witchcraft on me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make the pharmacy technician board say she passed the pharmacy technician exam when she did not pass the pharmacy technician exam. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Jackson North Hospital and Memorial Hospital hire. She can't get a job without Jeaccinette's witchcraft and she did witchcraft so I don't have a job. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her get pregnant. 

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