About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Witch's Intentions

A Haitian witch Jeaccinette Philogene planned on doing a lot of witchcraft to try to make me suffer and to kill me. Below is a comprehensive list of her plans. The bold items are what she was able to do, mostly by setting traps.

  • Find ways to make me erase the truth I wrote about her on this blog so people never know that she did witchcraft on me. In November 2013, she made gave someone my password and told them to hack into my blog and change what I wrote by adding lies, writing things that do not make sense, and putting words that are misspelled because I received revelation that my blog would go viral and get juicy
  • Do witchcraft on Blogger, my blog and to make me have more page views so I do not make money from my blog; Do witchcraft on the picture I put on my blog; Do witchcraft so I cannot update my blog
  • Do witchcraft so my mother's daughters, her niece, her relatives and my brother read my blog
  • Do witchcraft to make me volunteer for Haiti. I don't want to volunteer for Haiti and I will never volunteer for Haiti.
  • Did witchcraft to make me poor and sent money to Haiti to pay a Haitian man to do witchcraft on me and did witchcraft so people do not hire me. Do witchcraft to make me donate money to Haiti. I am not giving a penny to Haiti.
  • Do witchcraft so people do not help me and try to use me for her daughter who has the same three evil spirits that she went to the cemetery to put on me 
  • Do witchcraft to make me say things because she tried to do witchcraft on my mouth and it didn't  work and she heard my revelation that my mouth will be protected
  • Do witchcraft to make people say that my head is not good. She has been doing witchcraft to try to find ways to get a picture of my brain so she could do witchcraft to make me crazy and stupid.
  • Do witchcraft on my prayers (so they are not answered and to erase the prayers I prayed for my mother's daughter) and to know what I prayed. My mother's sister wants credit for my prayers. She wants people to think and say she told me what to pray. I prayed for her and my enemies to pay for doing witchcraft on me. She did witchcraft so I erase my prayers. My mother's sister did witchcraft to know what Pastor Zizi prayed for me and then said she figured things out.
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter like me. She knows that I hate her and did witchcraft to tell me not to tell me that I hate her.  Do witchcraft so I am not unique.
  • Do witchcraft on my period and so it does not come on time and so my period does not come in December 2014. Do witchcraft to make my period stop coming; Do witchcraft to make me infertile; Do witchcraft to make people get pregnant
  • Do witchcraft to make my brothers, brothers' girlfriends, sister, mother's daughters and other people raise their kids how she thinks I will raise mine
  • Do witchcraft so I do not weigh 118 pounds; Do witchcraft so I don't gain weight, do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter gain weight because I prayed to gain weight and she heard my revelation that I would gain weight
  • Do witchcraft to control people because she is doing witchcraft to control my mother's daughter  
  • Do witchcraft to make me a prostitute. God did not create me to be sexually immoral.
  • Do witchcraft to make me a lesbian because I do not want my mother's daughter to have sex with me
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter say that I do not exist because she saw my revelation that my mother's daughter does not exist to me.
  • Do witchcraft so I do not have luck
  • Do witchcraft to make people say I'm Haitian. I'm American.
  • Do witchcraft to make people call her my aunt and to have the same last name as me because she saw my revelation that she is nothing to me. I never called her my aunt
  • Do witchcraft on my throat and so I cannot breathe and to make me cough, choke, spit and vomit
  • Do witchcraft so I cannot chew and swallow food
  • Do witchcraft to make me have blackouts and heart attacks
  • Do witchcraft to make bad things happen to me. Do witchcraft to make people break into my parents' house and rape and shoot me 
  • Do witchcraft on my teeth and to make my teeth hurt; Do witchcraft on my gums, Do witchcraft to make my wisdom teeth regrow and to make people say that the dentist who pulled out my wisdom teeth did not remove all of my wisdom teeth
  • Do witchcraft to make me have headaches
  • Do witchcraft to make my arms skinny  
  • Do witchcraft to make me breathe like I am crying because she heard the revelation that I received that I would hear my mother's daughter crying
  • Do witchcraft on my ears and to make my ears itch and bleed and to make me have ear infections
  •  Do witchcraft to make me get on an ambulance and go to the emergency room so she can do witchcraft to make me have more bills. Do witchcraft to make people overcharge me.
  • Do witchcraft to take my panties so she can do witchcraft to make me a "bitch"
  • Do witchcraft so I never have a job and then do witchcraft so I never have a job in journalism after I found a job
  • Do witchcraft to try to control me because she saw my revelation that she can't control me like she has been doing witchcraft to control my mother's daughter. 
  • Do witchcraft to make me a victim of witchcraft and so I don't overcome witchcraft and get delivered. 
  • Do witchcraft so people do not help me. Do witchcraft to make me help my parents and siblings because she saw my revelation not to help them
  • Do witchcraft to make me fall
  • Do witchcraft to make my hands and skin itch
  • Do witchcraft so I do not smile
  • Do witchcraft to make my parents and siblings live near me so I am not happy
  • Do witchcraft to make my brother drop something on my feet so I do not move out of my parents' house
  • Do witchcraft on my bones
  • Do witchcraft to make me have white hair because my mother's daughter has white hair and do witchcraft so my hair do not grow 
  • Do witchcraft to make people know when I get delivered from her witchcraft and when I buy a house 
  • Do witchcraft to make me lose my hands so I cannot write. She did witchcraft to plant a dream in my head that she threw me in a meat cutter. 
  • Do witchcraft to make me weak because I am stronger than her
  • Do witchcraft to make my body shake because someone told me that she doesn't know how to have sex
  • Do witchcraft on my teeth
  • Do witchcraft so I can't see and can't see far
  • Do witchcraft to make my stomach and back hurt at the same time
  • Do witchcraft to make me feel hot and cold
  • Do witchcraft on my pictures because they look better than my mother's daughters
  • Do witchcraft to make me have scars so my pictures do not look nice
  • Do witchcraft to make my friends and other people change their phone numbers so I cannot talk to them
  • Do witchcraft to make me say, "padon" while sleeping. My mother's sister wants me to ask her for forgiveness when I'm innocent so people think she didn't do witchcraft on me 
  • Do witchcraft on two detectives and to make them come to my father's house on December 17, 2014 because she did witchcraft to make my brother say hi to me and I did not say hi and she is doing witchcraft to put me in drama because she heard my revelation that my mother's daughter would bring drama to my father's house. My mother's sister did witchcraft to make the detectives say that I sent a text message to Aventura Hospital that said that someone is doing witchcraft on me. My mother's sister did witchcraft to make the detectives say that they have my brother's name in their file and they do not believe in witchcraft. 
  • Do witchcraft to make my brother friends with me because she did witchcraft to make my brother friends with my mother's daughter because he said that he would never talk to her
  • Do witchcraft on my voice so I can't sing 
  • Do witchcraft so I only get married with Haitians so they and their family can do witchcraft on me. Do witchcraft to make me have Haitian friends so they can do witchcraft on me. 
  • Do witchcraft so I do not change my last name when I get married so my parents and siblings can have the same last name as me
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter and other people get married how she thinks I will get married 
  • Do witchcraft to make people get married. Do witchcraft to make my siblings and parents' relatives go to my wedding because I do not want them at my wedding. Do witchcraft to make my sister my maid of honor. Do witchcraft to make my father walk me down the aisle because she saw I wrote I don't want him to walk me down the aisle. Do witchcraft to tell me to make him walk me down the aisle and to make people tell me to let him walk me down the aisle.
  • Do witchcraft to make me tired so she can do witchcraft to make my mothers' daughters have sex with me while I sleep  
  • Do witchcraft to make my eyes black and ugly
  • Do witchcraft to make me bite my lips and to make my lips big like my sister and to make my lips red/pink
  • Do witchcraft to make me urinate on myself
  • Do witchcraft to make me sleep on my hands and arms because she heard my revelation that none of the witchcraft she does can't be undone
  • Do witchcraft to change the shape of my face and do witchcraft so my face is not round 
  • Do witchcraft to know what people told me so she can do witchcraft and then say she figured things out like me and gave me revelation
  • Do witchcraft so I do not give a donation to the GOP (Republican National Party) on February 20, 2015 and do witchcraft so I do not get a GOP membership card
  • Do witchcraft to make my skin darker because I am lighter than my mother's daughters
  • Do witchcraft to make what she saw when she did witchcraft to monitor me mean something because she heard my revelation that what she saw is meaningless
  • Do witchcraft to make me get a fake marriage certificate. My mother's sister wants me to get married so she can do witchcraft to make people steal things from me and so she can do witchcraft to put me in a hole
  • Do witchcraft so I don't have money so my mother can give me money and to try to make my mother like me so I don't divorce her because she heard my revelation that I would divorce my mother like I want and saw my revelation that she is nothing to me
  • Do witchcraft to make me friends with my mother after I stopped talking to my mother.
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother talk to me because I stopped talking to my mother and she is doing witchcraft so my mother does not stop talking to her
  • Do witchcraft on my magnesium citrate because my mother told me to throw it away and I didn't
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother touch my head because I told my mother's daughter not to touch my head and I told someone that I do not let anyone touch my head including my mother. My mother sister is doing witchcraft so I do not trust my mother because she heard my revelation that I would tell my mother that I do not trust her 
  • Tie me down for my sister and brother, Do witchcraft to make my sister count money in front of me, Do witchcraft to make me have the wrong tax refund and do witchcraft so my sister can give my money because she heard my revelation that my sister knows that she cannot ask me for money; Do witchcraft to make my sister sue me because she heard my revelation that she knows that she can't ask me for money; Do witchcraft so I do not move out of my parents' house until the age my sister moved out, 32 years old because my mother's sister heard my mother said that my sister would have never moved out before me. Do witchcraft to make my sister sue me so I can give her money
  • Do witchcraft so I do not buy a house and move out of parents' house and do witchcraft to make my parents and siblings live with me when I buy a house. My mother's sister did witchcraft to plant things in my head of my parents and siblings living with me when I buy a house. My mother's sister is doing witchcraft to make her brother go to the house I buy and she is doing witchcraft to make people say that she did not do witchcraft on me so she can come to the house that I buy. My mother's sister is dying and will never step a foot in my house. 
  • Do witchcraft to make my father cry for my mother's daughter because he cried when I moved back to New York
  • Do witchcraft on me when I lived in New York so I did not find a job so she could do witchcraft to make me move back to Miami: she said the plane ticket could be $1,000 she would make me return to Miami and then lied and said she never said that; Do witchcraft so I do not live in New York and to make my parents and relatives live in New York so she can do witchcraft to ruin my life: she said that if she could force me to live in Miami, she would be happy
  • Do witchcraft to make my brother set the house that I buy on fire and burn it down
  • Do witchcraft on my veins and to make them show because she did witchcraft to steal my friend for my mother's daughter
  • Do witchcraft to make me have ringworms and sores
  • Do witchcraft to make me want to be attached to my parents, siblings and relatives. My mother's sister said that people's family is supposed to do bad things to them.
  • Do witchcraft to make me hate my brother because she saw my revelation that he would hate my mother's daughter. My brother told me he "hates her guts."My mother's sister did witchcraft so my brother does not hate my mother's daughter
  • Do witchcraft to listen to my revelations. Do witchcraft so I don't receive any more revelations after she did witchcraft to ask me to pray for her to receive revelations and I didn't. Do witchcraft to make my revelations a lie.  Lie and say that she gave me revelation and that she received revelation.
  • Do witchcraft on my father so I don't tell him things 
  • Do witchcraft to make my father, mother and people ask me things because she saw my revelation that my father would ask me things
  • Do witchcraft so my mother's daughters and people do not pay for what they do to me
  • Do witchcraft to make my friends tell me to stop texting them because my sister was acting stank with me
  • Do witchcraft so I do not have friends
  • Do witchcraft to make my brother's girlfriend and her sister go to the same concert as me
  • Do witchcraft to make me get bit by mosquitoes 
  • Do witchcraft in March 2014 so I could be a battle like her because I received revelation that she lost her battle before it even began
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter hire a detective so she could get information about my finances so she and other people could sue me
  • Do witchcraft on Google, Gmail, my email and to read my email 
  • Did witchcraft on Columbia University and President Lee Bollinger because she is jealous of me and that I received a masters degree. She did witchcraft to make Dean Lemann of the journalism school get replaced by someone at the New Yorker because she did witchcraft to get information about him and knows that Dean Lemann worked at the New Yorker. She is doing witchcraft so Columbia University is not an Ivy League school anymore. She wants to do witchcraft to make the registrar's office send me a letter that says that I did not pass all of my classes when I did because she thinks that if I lose my masters degree she, my mother's daughters and other relatives will not be jealous of me anymore. 
  • She did witchcraft to take the Elements of Journalism book that I received from Columbia University because she did witchcraft to make them update the book and I did not buy the new book
  • Did witchcraft on tax softwares including Taxslayer.com, tax companies and tax preparers so my income tax refund is wrong because she wants me to go to Lovely to do my income taxes after she did witchcraft to kill her mother 
  • Did witchcraft to make my John Eckhardt prayer book that I bought around 2008
  • Do witchcraft on my clothes, to tear them and to make them have holes because she is jealous because all of my clothes look good
  • Do witchcraft to try to put words in my mouth and do witchcraft to put words in people's mouth so they would say what she wants them to tell me and other people. She also did witchcraft to make them text and email me what she wants, some of which was lies
  • Do witchcraft to steal my birth certificate and send it to Haiti in 2009 after asking me to give her my documents 
  • She did witchcraft to take my phone charger, hair pin, papers, my pictures and my photo album and she did witchcraft on my pictures
  • She did witchcraft to take my wallet, trophies, my silver Knight Award plaque (The Miami Herald), Paper Profile pens (blue ink) and other pens, my book bag with things inside, the back pieces for my earrings, my boot, my socks, my Indio soaps, my stamp, my Yogen fruz receipt my umbrella 
  • Do witchcraft to take my things because she heard my revelation that she knows that she can't take my things
    She did witchcraft on my cheek bones and so they are not high anymore and on my face and so it is not round
    • She is using a rock that she put the spirit of her dead father inside to monitor me and to know what I have
    • She did witchcraft in 2013 to make my father forget my birthday and so he did not buy a birthday cake for me. She did witchcraft to make my dad buy a birthday cake for my mother’s bitter daughter. My mother’s sister did witchcraft so I didn’t have money to do anything and go anywhere for my birthday. My mother’s sister did witchcraft to make them buy another cake for my mother’s daughter again in 2014 and she did witchcraft so I don’t have money to buy my own birthday cake in 2014. My mother’s sister said that I should regret that everyone doesn’t know that she did witchcraft to make my dad buy a birthday cake for my mother’s bitter daughter and not for me.
      My mother's sister did witchcraft to wake me up and tell me it was my mother's daughter's birthday in 2014 and she then did witchcraft so I could not breathe and to make me get on an ambulance and go to the emergency room at North Shore Hospital so she could do witchcraft to take my blood again. My mother's sister did witchcraft to make me have diarrhea the next day because I told the doctor that she did witchcraft on me
      My mother’s sister knows my birthday and age because she did witchcraft to take my birth certificate in 2009 and sent it to her relatives in Haiti. Do witchcraft to make North Shore Hospital and American Medical Response send and mail me bills and call me to pay the bill and ro make the bill go to collections and to make North Shore Hospital and American Medical response put it on my credit report.
  • Do witchcraft to listen to the revelations that I received from God so she can do witchcraft on them so they do not come to pass and do witchcraft so my mother's daughter who she knew I disliked and was not talking to benefited from my prayers 
  • Do witchcraft on pastors that I listen to such as Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer and their church ministries; do witchcraft to select their monthly teaching offers and to make them advertise the monthly teaching offers on TV
  • Do witchcraft to make a piece of pizza get stuck in my throat on October 24, 2014  
  • Do witchcraft to make me feel sorry for her so she doesn't pay for doing witchcraft on me
  • On Saturday, July 6, 2010, she came to my parents' house where I unfortunately live and tried to say hello to me. When I did not respond, she said that I would go to hell although she did witchcraft on me. She wants to be friends with me because she knows that she is dying. She later came to my parents' house in 2012 to say hello to me again because I received revelation that she knows that she cannot talk to me and I told her that she knows very well that she is not supposed to talk to me at all. She then denied that she had ever done anything to me yet she continues to do witchcraft on me every day. 
  • Become obsessed with doing witchcraft to make me suffer and to kill me because she wanted people to think that Bishop Felix told her not to show me compassion and he was doing witchcraft on me and not her. She then did witchcraft to make people text me that I was obsessing over her when clearly she was the one who became obsessed with me so she could blame Bishop Felix for her sins
  • Turn me into a demon by sending three evil spirits on me from the cemetery although I am a Christian. These evil spirits were supposed to torment me and give her information about me
  • Do witchcraft to make a relative take my pantie while I was sleeping to do witchcraft so I can be in relationships that do not last in 2009. I threw it away. In her desperation, she used a satanic prayer to do witchcraft on me while I slept and then tried to find ways to accuse me of being a sinner. My mother's sister did witchcraft to try to make me sexually immoral because after she asked my mother about my past witchcraft attacks, my mother lied and told her that my father's cousin, Albert, wanted me to be sexually immoral. My mother's sister had no business to any information about me, but this is another example of how my mother's mouth caused problems for me.
  • Do witchcraft to make me poor and unemployed yet do witchcraft to make people like my mother's daughters sue me and do witchcraft to ask me to pray so she could get a job
  • Do witchcraft on the key chains that I bought when I was in New York. She did witchcraft to make them have scratches.
  • Do witchcraft on my friends and so they can un-friend me on Facebook because I blocked my mother's daughters on Facebook
  • Do witchcraft to make people complain about me because they complained about her
  • Do witchcraft to make Linkedin restrict, suspend and terminate my account
  • Do witchcraft so people do not accept my Linkedin invitations, do witchcraft to make people un-connect from me on Linkedin, delete my Linkedin messages and remove my picture
  • Do witchcraft on the post office and so I don't get what I request in the mail; Do witchcraft to make people know what I request in the mail
  • Do witchcraft to make my enemies become my friends so they do not pay for doing witchcraft on me because she saw the revelation that I received that I will have no enemies
  • Do witchcraft to make me have pimples and scars
  • Do witchcraft to make me talk in my nose
  • Do witchcraft to put me in drama and make me have drama because she heard my revelation that my mother's daughter would bring dram to my parents' house
  • Do witchcraft to make people have cheekbones like me and do witchcraft on my legs to make them smaller and not thick so can do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter have the thick, shapely legs and thighs that my parents' relatives in Haiti told me that I inherited from my father's mother. I am the only one of my father's children who have them.
  • Do witchcraft to make my hair fall out so she can make my mother's daughter's hair longer than mine because everyone said that my hair is longer 
  • Do witchcraft to make me have facial hair because my parents nicknamed her sister "bab" because she has a beard. My mother's sister did witchcraft to make my mother call her "bab" when she talk to her  so people can think she knew they called her "bab"
  • Do witchcraft to make my mother talk to me in a controlling way because I received revelation that she cannot do witchcraft to control me like she has been doing witchcraft to control my mother's daughter
  • Do witchcraft to close doors so I don't get a full time journalism job and thereby waste my life so I could live with my parents. When I got a full time job in another field, she told her nephew in Haiti who showed her how to put witchcraft in my eyes so she can monitor me and see everything I was doing and close every door that opened for me because she felt pathetic that her witchcraft was useless on me. She then began doing witchcraft on almost every job that I applied to (doing expeditions) so people so they did not hire me.
          She is desperate and cannot even get a job herself. None of her witchcraft works on me so she
           finds ways to do witchcraft on me while I am sleeping to make herself look even more pathetic

  • Do witchcraft so people do not post jobs; do witchcraft so I do not find jobs to apply for
  • Use the witchcraft she put in my eyes to steal information and other things that I know from me to give to my mother's daughter and other people 
  • Do witchcraft on my eyebrows and to make me have scars and pimples because my mother's daughter called me pimple face and I didn't have any pimples
  • Do witchcraft so I do not buy what I want and need. She did witchcraft to make things and products go out of stock, be put on back order, to be discontinued and to be removed from store shelves and websites so I do not buy/order them.
  • Do witchcraft to try to make me homeless and when she heard the revelation that I received that she would be homeless, she did witchcraft to make her kids move out so she can try to use my parents so she could live with them. She wants to use my parents, but she started doing witchcraft on my parents' house in 2009 and she did witchcraft to make us lose our house.
  • Do witchcraft to make my parents, siblings and parents' siblings attached to me because I wrote "no relatives whatsoever" on my blog and she saw my revelation that I would be detached from them like I want. She did witchcraft to make me attached to my parents, siblings and parents' relatives after she did witchcraft to make my siblings have a party at my brother's house and did witchcraft to make them say I was not a part of the family because she heard my revelation that my siblings would say that my mother's daughter is not a part of the family. She said that she would use my sister and niece to make me attached to my relatives. She did witchcraft to plant things in my head of my sister having sex with my future husband and is doing witchcraft to make my brother ruin the bloodline of my future husband. She did witchcraft to make me say that she did a good thing by doing witchcraft to make me attached to my parents, siblings and parents' relatives.
  • Do witchcraft on companies, stores, Republicans and political elections
  • Do witchcraft on my eyes and eyeglasses and to make me blind, Do witchcraft my nerves
  • Ask her nephew to show her how to put the spirit of her dead father inside of a rock so she can do witchcraft so he can tell her what I see so she can do witchcraft. She did this because she did witchcraft to listen to what I hear and heard someone explaining something about rocks to me
  • Do witchcraft to make me skinny and lose weight so I can go to Haiti and she can do more witchcraft on me   
  • Talk to my mother every day so she can pretend she never put diabetes on my mother or did witchcraft on me and so she can try to use her. She went to Haiti with my mother in 2011 to get a human bone from her nephew to do witchcraft on me and while she was in Haiti with my mother, she did witchcraft on me. Then, in 2012, she gave my mother bitter leaves to make tea for me so I do not eat. My mother denied this when I confronted her.
  • Do witchcraft so I can lose the organs that make me a woman (i.e. breasts, ovaries, etc.) to try to force me to date and marry someone she did witchcraft to try to hook me up with
  • Try to continue doing witchcraft on me so people would think her head was not good, but she only proved that she does not care about herself or her kids because she knew she would die for trying to kill me before she started doing witchcraft on me. She also knew that she would not have any mercy for continuing to do witchcraft on me, but she chose to continue
  • Steal my blood from the hospital to plant it in a bottle in front of our house to make me weak. My feet later began shaking and she wanted to know how it stopped shaking so she could use me for her daughter
  • Monitor me by putting witchcraft in my eyes so she can do witchcraft on every job that I apply to. She later convinced herself that because she put witchcraft in my eyes, she could make my mother's daughter like me to try to bother me
  • Do witchcraft to make me weak because I received revelation that I will get stronger and she will get weaker
  • Do witchcraft to make me have pain when I am on my menstrual cycle and to change the time when my period comes
  • Do witchcraft to make me have pain in my bones because of a revelation that I received about my mother's daughter
  • Do witchcraft to make me sweat
  • Do witchcraft to make me have pain in my back and back problems
  • Steal information from me to give to my mother's daughter and other people
  • Do witchcraft to make me forget things
  • She wanted to do witchcraft to make me crazy
  • Do witchcraft to make people call her my aunt because she is nothing to me
  • Do witchcraft to make people switch their major to journalism and move to New York like me
  • Try to cover her sins and blame other people for what the witchcraft she did to me
  • Do witchcraft to make people visit New York because I bought a plane ticket to go there 
  • Do witchcraft to make me have problems with the law and go to jail for no reason. Also make my mother's daughter, Luna get my fingerprint so she can frame me for murder
  • Try to force me to live in Miami, with my parents and wish homelessness on me. She later did witchcraft to make her son move out and go live with a friend so she could try to live with my parents when she heard the revelation that I received that she would be homeless
  • Wish evil on me, but her evil desires all fell on her even more harder
  • Try to ruin my life by making my siblings and parents' relatives move to New York
  • Try to use me to help her daughter get delivered because she couldn't remove the same evil spirits that she went to the cemetery to put on me from her
  • Get money from her sister to send money to Haiti to hire a Haitian witchdoctor to do witchcraft on me. She did not have money of her own because she cannot get a job for herself, but is doing witchcraft so I do not get a job. She felt stupid when she realized that nothing he did worked on me.
  • Do witchcraft so I do not divorce my mother like I want to because she heard the revelation that I received that I would divorce her
  • Try to make it seem like my mother was seeking justice when she clearly was not so I would not seek justice and she could escape her punishment
  • Plant dreams in my head that she should be my mother
  • Do witchcraft to make people's lies become true
  • Say that my sin made me suffer after she did witchcraft on me while I slept using satanic prayers
  • Do witchcraft to make me co-habitate and become a housewife, when that did not work, infertility. Her daughter later co-habitated because of her evil desire and she lied about the reason why her daughter moved out
  • Do witchcraft to make me change my major from journalism to law 
  • Do witchcraft to hook me up with my male friends and acquaintances to destroy my life
  • Do witchcraft to try to make me crazy
  • Try to make me have nightmares and talk in my sleep
  • Put curses on me that were useless and ineffective
  • Make me stay lonely and single and to make men leave me abruptly and for no reason
  • Put sickness on me like diabetes, AIDS, a blood disorder and other things on me by using witchcraft
  • Make me have painful menstruation and stomach pain leading to hospitalization
  • Blindness, deafness and baldness
  • Do witchcraft so I could be a prostitute, lesbian and drug addict (specifically cocaine)
  • Lie and blame other people for the witchcraft that she did to me so she can somehow escape death and continue doing witchcraft on me until she dies
  • Try to make me schizophrenic by planting images in my eyes. It never worked and she just kept trying to keep doing it. My mother's sister is seeing things.
  • Try to make me live my life in circles so I don't advance. Also, try to tie me down so my parents' children could do things before me
  • Pretend to do medicine for me to put me in a pit
  • Make me go to Haiti so she could do more witchcraft on me
  • Try to control me by choosing guys, friends and odd jobs for me
  • Try to play with my life and things in my life
  • Make people tell me lies so they don't help me get rid of the evil spirits that she sent to me by doing expeditions
  • Do witchcraft to make me have 101 problems and go to jail for no reason
  • Ruin my reputation and make people mock me at a wedding that I did not attend
  • Steal my money and house when she did not want me to have either
  • Do witchcraft to know things about me so she can do witchcraft to make my mother's daughter like me
  • Make my mother's daughter and other people have sex with the husband that I don't yet have
  • Make people want my life and follow me so they can try to kill me
  • Make people live in the same city as me so they can monitor me and try to ruin my life
  • Go to the cemetery to put more evil spirits on me
  • Make bad things happen to me
  • Make me suffer while my enemies don't so I can give up on justice
  • Make me forget things
  • Ask me to pray that she gets a job, but do expeditions on every job that I apply to do they do not hire me
  • Make me have Haitian friends so they can do witchcraft on me
  • Make sister put powder at the feet on my bed so I can get sick
  • Pretend like she has power over me when she doesn't and kept changing her plans when they didn't work and then tried to redo things that she believed had worked
  • Do witchcraft on me constantly
  • Make guilty people appear innocent so they can try to escape death and continue doing witchcraft on me after she dies, namely two of my mother's daughters and her niece
  • Make my mother's daughter set me on fire while I sleep
  • Do witchcraft so I do not have blessings
  • Try to do witchcraft to make people think I was born in Haiti (the same country that taught her to do witchcraft on me) after she cheated on the U.S. citizenship exam to avoid being deported for her sins and then somehow convince herself that she can make them deport me instead. (This is one of the funniest).
  • Try to go to Haiti to become a makunda in November 2012 to try to kill me because she couldn't kill me as a mambo. She brought back a human bone and sanded it down to do witchcraft on me. It is now useless and cannot harm me. She used it to go to the cemetery to do witchcraft so people could lie to me and say that I did not pass tests that I obviously passed
  • Try to do witchcraft on my heart on November 26, 2012 while I was sleeping so I could forgive her and she can escape death
  • Do witchcraft in 2014 so I do not apply to jobs so people can think that I am not applying for jobs
  • Do witchcraft to make Haitians come to America by boat and to make them get visas to come to the United States in 2014 because I received revelation that everyone in Haiti will hate her and she thinks that if she does witchcraft to make them come to America, they will like her, but they will not 
  • Do witchcraft to make people go to and move to New York

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