About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hugo Chavez: Death, Solidarity & The Future

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was confirmed dead yesterday after a member of the opposition group aroused speculation that he was dead a few days prior. Chavez was treated for lung cancer in Cuba and was the friend of Cuban President Fidel Castro. Chavez also supported Castro during his sickness and he ruled his country with an iron fist like Castro.

Following Chavez's death, many Venezuelans gathered to mourn their leader. President Obama said that he will assist the country in coming months, but it is unclear whether a democracy will emerge from his death. Miami is home to many Venezuelans who fled their country amid Sandinista rule and I know that many of them will love to see a democratic Venezuela.

However, many people speculate that the embalming and display of Chavez's body is meant to seal the electorial victory of Nicolas Maduro. Maduro was the country's vice president before Chavez's death and is the successor that Chavez wants.

The Venezuelan election will be held within 30 days from Chavez's death and opposition leader Henrique Caprilles has announced his plans to run against Maduro.

Whoever becomes the next Venezuelan president must remember that Venezuela is rich with oil and needs to be protected from corruption and bribery.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mammograms for Younger Women

The number of breast cancer patients is rising, but the age of newly diagnosed women is dropping. Breast cancer is claiming more lives at a younger age and some say that the recommended age to get a mammogram should be changed.

This comes after the Journal of the American Medical Association released new findings from a study on Tuesday. They found that between 1976 to 2009, breast cancer among women aged 25 to 39, has increasingly led to more advanced diseases.

Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, the American Cancer Society's deputy chief medical officer, said that while the study is accurate, she does not think all younger women should be given mammograms since breast cancer is still rare among their age group. He also said that childbearing styles can be a factor for younger women with cancer.

Mammograms are recommended for older women, but younger women such as myself are not given mammograms until around 40 years old.

I think that the fact that some women have a family history of breast cancer, mammograms should be given to younger women. Also, women who have been diagnosed with cysts in their breasts should also be given mammograms because not all women check their breasts every day. Most breast cancer is detected by a doctor.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Argo Wins Oscar after Banned in Iraq

I watched the Oscar last night and it was a long three and a half hours. Adele's singing of "Skyfall" kept me watching, but the delay in the announcement of the best picture and best actress winner was too much to ask.

11:00 pm and the best picture winner was not announced. This was unbearable because I wanted to know who won the Best Picture Oscar. The six nominees were announced in groups of three throughout the show. Finally, the best picture Oscar was revealed as belonging to Argo. Best Affleck, the movie;s director, did not look clean shaven, but I was surprised that he looked exactly as he did in the movie. Most actors and actress change their appearance for roles, but later revert back to their original look.

Argo is based on real life events. CIA operative Tony Mendez's book The Master of Disguise chronicled his leadership in the rescue of six U.S. diplomats during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.

Although the movie was popular in America, Iran banned the movie and spurred an underground movie movement which sold the movie as a bootleg. Argo was labeled as pro-CIA and anti-Iran propaganda.

Nonetheless, a piece of history was told through the use of film.

Pistorius' Trial: Image & Justice

After news was released about Reeva Steemkamp's murder, I sat and wondered if the truth would ever emerge. After Oscar Pistorius was granted bail after four days, I knew that the conflicting account of Steemkamp's death that he told meant that he could possibly get away with murder.

Steemkamp was a model and Pistorius is an Olympic medalist. The media portrayed Pistorius as a celebrity who had South Africa's image on hinges. In other words, if Pistorius is accused of murder, South Africa's hometown hero brings a bad reputation to the country.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that the juducual system cannot fully speak for the deceased. Jane Velez-Mitchell of HLN said that Steemkamp has become an invisible person. I sadly agree because her murder or homicide will be told using Pistorius testimony and evidence gathered from the scene.

Do the deceased actually ever receive justice?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Facebook & Google Join Forces for Brain Mapping

Facebook and Google are known for their innovative ideas and products. Sadly, Facebook has been boycotted by many due to claims that it can be addictive and non-productive. However, Facebook users are now dancing to a different tune. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Google co-founder announced today that they have created a Life Sciences Breakthrough Prize in an effort to help map the brain.

Brain mapping is important because it can help cure diseases such as Alzheimers. In addition, the mapping of the brain is expected to create new jobs. This is important because some of the automatic budget cuts that are expected on March 1 will affect educational funding. The prize for the winner is double the monetary prize of the Nobel Prize, $33 million.

I believe that Facebook and Google should continue finding ways to make their products important in every day life. An important way that Facebook has changed our lives is the use of social media by companies to build brand awareness. This has changed the job market because companies have now created positions dedicated solely on their webiste and social media campaigns.

For more information:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

No Regular Mail Delivery on Saturdays starting August

The United States Postal Service announced its decision to end Saturday's delivery of regular mail today and as someone who waits for her mail almost every day, it makes me anxious. I started hearing about the troubles of the USPS last year and I was hopeful that no dramatic changes would be made. I was hopeful that the rise of the price of the stamp and my local post office's constant busyness would provide stability for the USPS.

However, USPS CEO Patrick R. Donahoe said, "since 2008, we've seen a steady $2 billion decline in the use of 1st class mail." He also stated that more residents are using online bill pay, but I counter that not all creditors accept checks and online bill pay. In fact, some of them have very strict payment methods. For example, I have to mail a postal money order to pay for services that I received during an emergency room visit. The provider's specific request shows that they believe that the USPS is trustworthy.

The change is expected in August and while it does not affect the delivery of packages, it is expected to save the agency $2 billion. It also comes after the agency used up a $15 billion line of credit from the U.S. Treasury. But, I do not think that FedEx can replace the post office due to the inexpensiveness of the stamp. I also do not think more people will stop using regualr mail unless the letter or package is timely.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl

This year's Super Bowl is unique because of two factors: Sandy Hook Elementary and the Harbaugh Brothers.

Twenty-six children from Sandy Hook Elementary school will sing "America the Beautiful" with Jennifer Hudson. This will help Americans remember the young victims and also highlight that America needs to find a way to stop tragedies such as the one that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary.

The second unique factor is that this year's Super Bowl will be coached by two brothers, Jim and John Harbaugh. This year's Super Bowl has been nicknamed the "Harbaugh Bowl" and the parents of the brothers held a press conference in which they said that they would emotionally support both the winner and loser of this year's Super Bowl.

This is a good way to maintain good family relationships, but the Baltimore Ravens have been favored to win.

Another notable element of this year's Super Bowl is that Ray Lewis will retire after this year's game. He has been in the spotlight because of his religious views.

Egypt and Democracy

After the government of Egyptian President Mubarak was overthrown on February 11, 2011, Egypt is in turmoil again. The country held its first elections on Novemeber 28, 2011 and after more than a year of stability, Egyptians are again rioting and destroying property.

After the ousting of Mubarak, the constitution and Egyptian parliament were dissolved. After taking office, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi overturned this decision and called parliament back into session on July 8, 2012. It was shortly after this time that the unhappiness with Egyptian politicians began to emerge.

While the Egyptian election was not marked by violence and reports of fraud, young voters now say that they are not being represented and old lawmakers are in power. If democracy was supposed to stabilize Egypt, it did the opposite. Riots have returned and have been ongoing. These events prove that Egpyt has a lot ot learn about democracy.

Democracy is about government for the people and by the people. When citizens feel that they are not being properyl represented, they can use impeachment and vote again. In addition, peaceful options such as town hall meetings and petitions should always be explored before people escalate to violence.

Americans have picketed outside the White House for many issues including to demand the ousting of former Egyptian President Mubarak because that is part of the right to assemble, but destroying important landmarks and property does not help the democratic process in Egypt. Egyptians should learn to channel their anger in more lawful ways.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obama's Immigration Reform Futile

President Obama will speak in Nevada this afternoon to pitch his ideas for immigration reform. He is expected to dicuss a 4-part plan which includes the registration of undocumented workers, running background checks, demanding illegal immigrants to pay back taxes and penalties and also advising them to learn English.

I believe President Obama's plan is futile and a way for democrats to maintain a grip on the 70 percent Latino voters who voted for Obama. There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in America. I am American and I have relatives who came to this country illegally and have worked and stayed out of trouble,  but not every immigrant follows that path when they come to America. The majority of them such as my mother's sister do witchcraft on innocent Americans  like me to keep them from getting a job and then cheat to become a U. S. citizen to avoid deportation.

I dissected President Obama's plan and none of the four parts are useful. The registration of undocumented workers will help law enforcement keep track of illegal immigrants, but with so many illegal immigrants afraid of the police, this is nearly impossible. Secondly, the running of background checks is a waste of time and money because the crimes that illegal immigrants have committed in their countries do not show up in these checks.

Next, the IRS will require more money to recruit more workers to ensure that illegal immigrants pay back taxes. This can be strenous with the rise of tax fraud every year. Last, illegal immigrants should learn English, but since the 1980s, Americans are being forced to become bilingual to secure good jobs, especially in Miami.

I believe that illegal immigrants should be deported and forced out. The American borders also need to be more secure. In addition, the U.S. sends billions of dollars to foreign countries and making easier for illegal immigrants to stay in America means that money is wasted in foreign aid and America's mission to spread democracy is undermined. After all, countries like Haiti have toppled dictatorships to have a democracy. In a democracy, the people vote and they request political change, not excape to another country.

Lastly, President Obama's idea will lead to the boat people phenomenon again: hundreds of people coming to American by boat, which is illegal.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Panetta Lifts Ban, Allowing Women to Fight

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta lifted the ban that prevented women from sevring in combat zones today. During a news briefing this afternoon, he said:

"Women represent over 15 percent of the force. The fact is they have become an integral part

This move comes after a recommendation from the Joint Chiefs of Staff this month and also after several other roles were open to women.

While this is a historic move, it is questionable because President Obama vowed to withdraw troops from Afghanistan before his presidency. In addition, it makes Americans think that other wars may be surfacing. This possibility could be supported by the launch of North Korean missiles and the leadership fo militant leaders such as President al-Assad and Ahminejad.

Women have penetrated areas such as basketball, soccer and politics, but critics argue that they are not physically tough enough to fight wars. I agree in part, but would add that women may not be psychologically tough enough to kill. According to statistics, women in the military are more prone to become pregnant than the general population and in instances where young children are soldiers in other countries, I believe women may suffer more psychologically. In fact, research has already shown that men struggle and suffer psychologically after killing children.

In addition, it brings the issue of rape into wars. Throughout history, armies have raped the women of opposing armies to humiliate and destroy their honor. Female soldiers will run a higher risk of being kidnapped and raped. Essentially, if women are allowed to fight, rape will resurface as a weapon of war.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chris Tomlin Tops Billboard Album Sales

Chris Tomlin's new album, Burning Lights is the number one album on Billboard's Top 10. Tomlin's album sold 73,000 copies during the week of January 16 and outsold secular artists such as Bruno Mars, Lumineers and One Direction. This is Tomlin's first number one album on the Billboard top 200 and it is the fourth time that a Christian artist has received this recognition. Other artists who have accomphished this include Casting Crowns and Toby Mac.

This is an astounding feat for a Christian artist, but it comes as no surprise to me. Chris Tomlin is famous for songs such as "Amazing Grace," "Holy is the Lord," and "How Great is Our God."

He released his greatest hits album, "How Great Is Our God: The Essential Collection CD" last year.

Tomlin's new album features songs such as "Whom Shall I Fear," which is a song about God's constant protection. He also enlisted the help of Kari Jobe on "Crown Him" and rapper Lecrae on "Awake My Soul."

Blackberry's new Smartphone Goes on Sale by End of January

Blackberry was the phone of choice for executives and even presidents. However, the sale of the Blackberry declined as the iPhoone became increasingly popular. However, the creators of the Blackberry have created a new smartphone to regain its old customers, the Blackberry 10.

The Blackberry 10 is a smartphone with apps. Users will be able to download games, music, TV shows, vidoes, magazines and books.

The new smartphone will go on sale on Jan. 31.

TSA to remove body scanners

The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) introduced body scanners after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The body scanners showed naked pictures of full clothed passengers as they walked throught the machines. These machines helped airport employees ensure that passengers were not hiding weapons and/or drugs in their body parts and belongings.

Since 2004, travellers have argued that their privacy was being violated. Critics also said that the body scanners violated the fourth amendment rights of passengers because the body scanners essentially searched them without a warrant.

The TSA enlisted a company called Rapiscan, to make the body scanners. But, after the company could not install privacy software in the machines by the deadline set by Congress, the TSA decided to remove all the machines.

While travellers will no longer feel violated at the airport because the TSA plans to remove the body scanners by June 1, 2013, passengers still have to walk through machines that show an outline of their body. This is expected to lead to faster lanes and better security.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Naked Photos in Jodi Arias' Trial Violate Privacy

Jodi Arias is facing the death penalty for killing her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, 30, in Arizona on June 4, 2008, just after five months of dating. As I watched HLN today, I was disgusted by the prosecution's use of the naked photos that Jodi and Travis took of each other. The photos were used to establish the fact that Jodi, 27, stabbed Travis 29 times, cut his throat and shot him in the face after having sex with him. While the camera captured three accidental photos which include a bloody Travis being dragged, I think that the naked photos do not prove whether the murder of Travis was self-defense or premeditated.

I think the photos violate the privacy of both parties. Jodi's actions alone proved that she premeditated the murder. On June 4, 2008, she arrived at Travis' house after renting a car from Budget. After driving from California, she arrived in Arizona and then around 5:31 pm, she allegedly attacked and killed Travis. Jodi washed the camera with the naked photos, but the images were restored. Police also revealed that the gun use dwas the same caliber as the gun owned by Jodi's grandparents. This information was presented to Jodi, who denied ever being at Travis' house in a police interview on July 15, 2008.

After Travis' death, Jodi left him four voice messages and then according to a Verizon technician who testified under oath, she hacked into his voice messages. However, Jodi did not stop there. She also stopped at her new lover, Ryan Burns' home in Salt Lake City after the murder on June 5.

Jodi Arias is the fourth woman on death row in Arizona, but that does not change the fact that she lied repeatedly. She first told detectives that she did not know who killed Travis and then later told them that Travis was killed by two ninjas while she escaped from his home.

Moreover, Travis told Dr. Hughes, a father figure that he feared that he would end up dead after Jodi slashed his tires in anger over their breakup. Jodi was also accused of stalking and sneaking into Travis' home.

The question that remains: If Jodi and Travis broke up, what was she doing at his home? Did Jodi intentionally have sex with Travis because she wanted to kill him?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lance Armstrong's Confession Expected

USA Today released an article stating the Lance Armstrong will admit to doping or using drugs to win his many Tour de France titles. Speculation over the possibility that Armstron used drugs lingered for a long time, but he swore under oath that he did not use drugs and his drug use remained undetected  in testing. After defeating cancer, he created a foundation, Live Strong.

Shortly after the discovery that Armstrong used drugs, he stepped down from Live Strong. I believe that his confession is better late than never. I also believe that as a cancer survivor, Armstrong should continue his work with Live Strong.

U.S. Mint will not help economy, but will cause bipartisan chaos

President Barack Obama may release a U. S. minted trillion dollar coin. It is unsure whose face will appear on the coin. Some say Barack Obama, Speaker Boehner, Lady Liberty or Michael Phelps may appear on the coin.

Some say that this will help solve the national debt problem, but others say that it will do more damage and further halt and/or disrupt an agreement among Democrats and Republicans to solve the debt problem. Critics say it will also mock the American currency.

I believe that this may help the economy, but the timing, on the cusp of President Obama's inauguration is bad. This move may simply be for Obama's self-glorification.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Fiscal Cliff Decision Postponed

The Senate passed a bill today to postpone the fiscal cliff. This means that the cuts in things such as defense and Medicare are on hold and tax increases will be delayed for two months. CNN also reported that there will be three additional fiscal cliffs after the present one.

While the fiscal cliff seems to have been averted, it is still looming and the uncertainty among Americans is growing. The payroll tax holiday expired and that means that Americans will see smaller paychecks.

I am a proponent of a strong American economy, but I think that the Bush era tax cuts should have stayed the same and no new proposals should have been made. The new changes that have been proposed by President Obama will worsen the American economy and lead to more proverty if emergency unemployment benefits expire.

2013 And What It Means

Every new year makes way for new expectations. This year I asserted my American birth and my disgust for Haitians who do witchcraft by skipping my mother's pumpkin soup, a traditional dish that symbolized the emancipation of Haitians from slavery. I was very happy with my decision and it brought me much joy. I drank egg nog instead and plan to create my own New Year's tradition soon.

I received a letter in the mail from Kenneth Copeland Ministries about the meaning of the year 2013. Kenneth Copeland declared 2013 the year of great grace. Grace is God's unmerited favor and it is something that can destroy all of our enemies plans. This year, I am expecting victory over my enemies and justice for their many sins.

The postcard had two messages which were inspired by the Holy Spirit and written as messages from God. The first message on the right said:

Stay where you are. Stay steady. Your greatest blessing ever is at hand. No one can stop my plan for you. It's a Blessed plan. Stay on my word. Stay strong in faith. Insist on walking in my commandment of love. No devil, no geovernment, no man can curse what I have blessed. Believe that. KNow that. You belong to me-not to the world!

The second message on the left said:

I am teaching you grace. Keep it on your mind throughout 2013 and beyond. Never, ever let it go! The thing that I cna do that is exceeding aboundantly above all you can ask or think is to make all grace abound toward you, and that's what is happening for you and for your country, right now. Be blessed! Enjoy my grace. It's yours!