About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another Deliverance Book

I found another comprehensive deliverance book. This one deals with strongholds. Doris Wagner is also cited. It is called Deliverance: Rescuing God's People People: Developing and Operating the Ministry by Pat Legako.

On page 30, he states that there are nine ways to receive deliverance:
1) conversion
2) water baptism
3) baptism of the Holy Spirit
4) Times of Repentance
5) Mass Deliverance
6) Anointed Teaching and Preaching
7) Praise and Worship
8) Breaking Generational Curses
9) Personal Deliverance Sessions


Deliverance: Rescuing God's People: Developing and Operating the Ministry

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Waiting has taught me a lot about myself. I have learned that I am gentle, but I realize that I have an anger problem. I know what ticks me off: people not treating me like they would want to be treated, loud people, my passive father, my controlling and manipulative mom (who is an expert at provoking her children for no reason), the fact that I feel like I have no control in my parent's house. Also, I am covering my family to make sure nothing happens to them when my parents seem to just be so carefree about this witchcraft stuff.

So, my lack of self control has caused me to be very impulsive. I have interacted with a lot of rude people. I've had to just take some things in, but I don't feel like I should have to deal with that in my own home. If I tell my parents that I feel very uncomfortable with someone or something, they do nothing about it!

I have decided to learn how to deal with difficult people before this anger spirals out of control!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why You Should Never Practice Witchcraft or Serve Other Gods

Rick Joyner wrote a book entitled, Overcoming Witchcraft in the Last Days. The devil is getting creative. He is setting up false churches because he knows that he can get a bigger following that way by both using and perverting the gospel. If you have been reading my blog, you should know that I have broken every demonic pact my ancestors have made with witchcraft. I have written a list of reason detailing why I would never serve withcraft and you should do the same:

1. They always have to do ceremonies to their gods. Jesus freed us from the law so we don't have to do any animal sacrifices or good works to obtain salvation. All we have to do is believe and repent of our sins to have a relationship with God.

2. They always have problems and they try to create problems for you. God promises to deliver us from all of our troubles and he always does! My evil aunt is working with others to do witchcraft so I can't get a job, but she can't get a job for herself. She's in a worse condition than I am.

3. God doesn't force or trick anyone into serving Him. God is a gentleman. He draws people to himself thru the gospel. The dark kingdom forces themselves on you. They secretly initiate you with a handshake, food or money. Incubus and succubus spirits come at night to have sex with you. They say satanic prayers so you can talk in your sleep. The devil is very sneaky and he does not fight fair!

4. Although you practice witchcraft, you are not immune to witchcraft. Witchdoctors change and invert their names so they can become immune from witchcraft whereas Christians are protected by the blood and name of Jesus. We don't have to do a name change.

5. Witchdoctors can alternate between black and white magic without offending their gods, but God hates evil and is not pleased with it.

6. Witchdoctors consult the dead to gain information and they desecrate the grave to carry out their evil deeds. But Jesus is living. He can speak to you thru a person, a dream, a song or a sermon and tell you what you need to know and do.

7. Demons are controlling. You have no control over how you will react. They possess you anytime and anywhere. That's why they want your mind. God helps us to renew our mind so we can live better lives.

8. They heal you, but your healing is not permanent. Sickness is a constant problem! But, when Jesus heals you, it's permanent.

9. If you do not fulfill your obligations to them by killing a goat, you suffer the consequences. You are faced with high blood pressure and other ailments. My father has high blood pressure because of this and my uncle had a stroke. More importantly, if you die before fulfilling your obligation, they can affect your children.

-When you are in God, you leave a good and lasting generation for your children, not curses and obligations to evil spirits!

Sex and the Soul

God said that when a man and a woman are joined together, they become one flesh. Sex is one of the easiest ways to fragment the soul. When you have sex with someone, a soultie is formed. You give a part of your soul to the person and they take a part of your soul. It's called mutual defilement. That is why some people keep thinking about their former lovers after their break-up. They have not broken the soul tie that was formed from the sex act.

Sexual sin is also a point of access for demons and a tool that the devil uses to oppress people. The Bible is filled with examples of what happened to people after they committed sexual sin. King David's child died as a result of his adultery.


Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

Why True Love Waits: The Definitive Book on How to Help Your Kids Resist Sexual Pressure

Fearless Love: Making Sexual Choices That Honor God (Worth Waiting for Series)

The Ties That Bind

Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is): Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pray without Ceasing

I love to pray. I have been using John Eckhardt's book, Prayers that Rout Demons for over a year. I have found several other prayers online regarding dleiverance. I just became a fan of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Virginia. They have prayers on their website to break curses and ungodly covenants:http://www.mfmvirginia.org/How_To_Obtain_Personal_Deliverance/

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Best Book about Deliverance Says Peter Wagner

I love books. Lately, I have been searching for books that talk about how to remain free from demonic forces. I have been researching books on deliverance. I have found Peter Horrobin's book, Healing Thru Deliverance. It was published last year. C. Peter Wagner says, "this book is unquestionably the number-one textbook on the theory and practice of deliverance available today."

Some sample chapters include the realm of the angels, the character and work of evil spirits, demonization of christians, some observable symptoms of demonization, how demons enter, why some people are not delivered, advice to the delivered.

I cannot wait to add this book to my library!

Books, Books and more Books

I love books. I can't stop browsing online for them. I found a great website for Christian books: http://www.impactchristianbooks.com/. It was created by Bill Banks and his wife. He was miraculously healed of terminal cancer.

Another great website is http://www.arsenalbooks.com/. They are both similar, but this website has more books about warfare.


Growing up around jealous relatives has taught me a lot about relationships. As a little girl, my mother insisted that friends were no good and that family is your friend. Yeah right! I've had a lot of relatives who did witchcraft on my parents and siblings. Once they were found out, they used the popular refrain that we are cousins as a way to escape potential revenge. Family does not try to harm you.

Who is a cousin? A cousin is the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle. So a lot of people who we call our cousins are really not. This makes sense because according to Dictionary.com, cousin is slang for a gullible person who easily duped or taken advantage of. (Read it here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cousin)

Saturday, October 3, 2009


One of the hardest things that I have had to learn this year is to wait. I waited on false prophecies that never came to past. I waited to be delivered. I waited to find a job. I waited come back home and now I am waiting to see God execute his vengeance against my enemies and for my blessings to continue pouring down.

I have listened to Jason Upton's song, "I Will Wait" several times to uplift my soul. You can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpmmgss9sfo&feature=related

There are many hidden blessings of waiting:
- God restores all the years that the locust has eaten. (See Joel 2:25)
-He shows you who really is on your side.
-He helps you to trust on him to sustain you
-He helps you build endurance

After waiting on God, my strength has been renewed and I will mount with wings like an eagle. See Isaiah 40:31.

The book of Proverbs also says that a patient man is better than a warror so will wait instead of fighting!

They Don't Like Me

As a youth, I began to realize that some people don't like me for no reason at all. They would congratulate me for get my learner's permit and for graduating from high school, but underneath that fake smile was a dagger. Their hatred intensified as I became more focused on becoming everything that I have dreamed of being. For every achievement, they was a counterattack. They became craftier, but still continue to be humiliated.

I love school. I have always loved school and everyone knows that. One of the main reasons that I have always loved school is because my parents never really gave me any nice comments about my academic success. The praise that I heard came mainly from teachers and classmates. That's why I loved school. I felt like a star.

But, success has its downfalls. One of my older sisters, Luna has been working with the devil in his plot to destroy me. I have always known that she was jealous, but this is just disgusting of her. I recall one afternoon as we took a food break while watching a movie, she took my seat. I was upset and wanted it back. My other siblings chimed in and told her to give me the seat back. She said, "Ms. Coral Gables." I went to Coral Gables Senior High School, a magnet school. I had always gone to different schools than my siblings. That had nothing to do with the conversation, but it showed what was in her heart.

Luna is two years my senior. She received her bachelor's degree in nursing from FIU and began working immediately after. I completed the undergraduate program at the University of Miami in three years and with three different majors. I have been trying to find a full-time job since then. I received my master's degree from Columbia University last year. Luna moved out of my parent's home after she began working as a nurse at Jackson Memorial Hospital.

However, with all of her accomplishments she thinks they pale in comparison to mine. You see, the more she focuses on my accomplishments, the more her accomplishments pale in her sight.

What has she done lately? Well, she gave my aunt $20 and since then she has been acting funny. She said something over my Chinese food. I know it was not a good prayer. She came to the house and rubbed my foot and just smiled. She tried to transfer her evil spirit onto me. I rubbed Florida Water, known for taking out evil things, on my leg and I felt it leaving. I texted her and thanked her for rubbing my feet, but she didn't comment on that.

She also gave my mother some money and my mother could not remember her dreams. My mother said that someone gave her money to take her mind.

Luna is not innocent. I told her to stop being jealous and I even told her to read about Judas in the Bible because it's a wonderful illustration about how people work with the devil and then commit suicide when they realize what they have done. That didn't work.

Luna once wrote me a nasty email when I told her that she was not my favorite sister. She has helped me financially and I have revised a lot of her papers. By papers, I mean sometimes 18 pages a paper.

All of these trials have helped me to see the true intentions of people and most people don't wish me well. I don't care because that will not stop me from being everything that I will be! I forgive, but I do not befriend everyone. And yes, that's biblical:

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

Why are people so jealous? My success does not prevent anyone from being successful. They spend so much time and energy on me that they cannot find any time to improve themselves.

My Enemies

I have so many enemies, so many people are working against me. They will all die because I am innocent and the Bible says that the wicked will die and fall into the traps that they have set for others.

How should I react when they finally die? Should I be happy? I don't know. I think I will feel relieved. I will not rejoice while they are dying because then God will take his anger away from them according to Proverbs 24:20 :

"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from him. Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the wicked; for there will be no prospect for the evil man; the lamp of the wicked will be put out. "

Here is a website I found about how to deal with enemies. It's a learning process. http://www.crossroad.to/heaven/contents/cruel_people.htm

Friday, October 2, 2009

Prayer for Salvation

I just realized that although my blog is called Saved Soul, I have not written anything about how to get saved. To be saved means that you are delivered from danger or evil and hell. Salvation is a free gift that is available to everyone. The only requirement is that you first repent and secondly, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is God's only Son who was sent to Earth to die for our sins and that God raised him from the dead on the third day.

A lot of people have Bibles and they have been going to church all of their lives, but they have never said the prayer of salvation so they are not saved. Going to church does not save you!

Here is a prayer of salvation. These prayers vary, but the meaning remains the same. I found this prayer at http://www.prayer-of-salvation.com/

"Father, God in heaven, it is written in Your word that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that You have raised Him from the dead, I shall be saved. Therefore, Father, I confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord. I make Him Lord of my life right now. I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. I renounce my past life with Satan and close the door to any of his devices. I thank You for forgiving me of all my sins. Jesus is my Lord, and I am a new creation. Old things have passed away. Now all things become new, in Jesus' name. Amen."

Once you are saved, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in your heart. He will convict you of sin, encourage and comfort you and also lead you into all truth.

One of the things new believers face after getting saved is dealing with their friends and relatives who may not be saved. They may make fun of you because they don't understand the real you, but don't be embarassed of your new relationship with God. It is the best decision that you have ever made. Once you are a child of God, nothing can hurt you. The devil will always try, but his plans will not prosper because God is greater than Satan.

The best way to deal with unsaved friends and relatives is to pray for their salvation. I found a great model prayer from Mark Bubeck's book. Don't forget to insert your friend or relative's name.

"Loving Heavenly Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ I bring before you _____. I thank you, heavenly Father, that you have sovereign control over _____. I thank you for the qualities of ____ and _____ that I see that you have placed in this man/woman.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and as a priest of God, I plead the sufficiency of the blood of Christ to meet the full penalty his sins deserve. I claim back the ground of his life that he has given to Satan by believing the enemy's deception. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I resist all of Satan's activity to hold ___ in blindness and darkness.

Exercising my authority through union with the Lord Jesus Christ, I pull down the strongholds which the kingdom of darkness has formed against ___. I smash all those plans formed against _____'s mind, will, emotions and his/her body. I invite the Holy Spirit of God to bring the fullness of his power to convict, to bring to repentance and to lead ____ into faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as his/her Savior. I ask you, heavenly Father, to draw ____ to Yourself.

Believing that your Holy Spirit is leading me, I claim ______ (full name) for you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' great name I joyfully lay this prayer before you. Amen."

P. S. Once you're saved, you are saved. The devil cannot steal your salvation according to John 10:29:

"My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand."

But remember that the devil will try to translate you back into his dark kingdom. That's why it is crucial that you read the Word and do and be what it says.

My Parent's Insistence on Everyone's Innocence

My mother insists that a Haitian witch would never do witchcraft on her or her children. Never mind the fact that she threatened to kill me twice and my mother once. She also cannot keep voodoo out of her head or mouth. My father insists that his family would never do anything to us. Never mind the fact that everyone knows that they are jealous. His cousin has gone so far as rolling his eyes at me while sitting in our living room. My mother noticed, but waited for him to leave to say something.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I also know that some people are jealous and if given the opportunity would stab you in the back. If I have evidence, which I do, I will declare them guilty and keep my distance.

What my parents fail to realize is that there are two kinds of evil people in this world: those that openly express their dislike of you and those that hide their dislike while pretending to be your friend. Some people think they can be my friend and talk to me while they are doing witchcraft, but I made sure that they know that I don't want to be friends with people who do witchcraft on me.

Jeaccinette Philogene, a Haitian witch did witchcraft so I did not find a job after I moved to New York. She drew the ink from my pen to know what I wrote. When I came back from New York in 2009, Jeaccinette came into the room and she dropped a bag that was filled with things on the floor. She also dropped the same bag in the living room. After this, something started walking around our house at night and calling out our names. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make my father lose the house he bought.

A lot of the things that have been happening to me have to do with Jeaccinette. I am suffering not only for being a Christian, but also for something that my father did in the past. Maybe a rude remark. Jeaccinette has been telling people about all these false dreams that she has had about me. Phony! Besides everyone knows that Jeaccinette is a liar and killed her brother-in-law with her relatives in Haiti. My mother considers Jeaccinette a small god. I keep telling her to be careful because she is feeding her information that my Jeaccinette can try to use. She can't seem to get that through her head. I know she doesn't have any friends, but she can talk about other things.

My mother said that even if she knew why all these things were happening to me, she wouldn't tell me. This is said because my mother does know, but she is just too afraid to say anything. I don't care because I already know that Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft on me because I have discernment and they cannot try to do anything to me. This is one of the reasons why I will divorce my mother.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Devil Wants My Mind

"An idle mind is the devil's playground." Why is that? If there's nothing inside your head, the devil can deposit all the garbage that he wants. This can be very fatal. For example, Jim Jones, a cult leader convinced his entire congregation to move to Guyana and drink poison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Jones. They all died because they believed and trusted him more than God. They had Bibles, but they were still deceived. He slammed the Bible on the table and yelled, "I've got to destroy this paper idol." This was clearly a red flag. If someone did that in front of me, I would never return to that church.

The last time I attended Open Heavens Ministry, a lady gave a testimony about how she met a psychic who confirmed some of the things that the Obeahman told her. She ended her testimony by saying, "If Bishop isn't for real, I'm going to stop serving God." Everyone sighed. They were already not serving God. There are a lot of false prophecies in the world who are telling people false and seducing things. Also, people can try to fight or hinder the prophecy in the spiritual realm so whether or not prophecy comes to pass sometimes has little to do with God.

The devil is after our minds. He wages war against our minds, trying to convince us that God does not love us and that it is better to serve him. I have learned that renewing my mind is what gives me victory over the devil. When I first got saved, the first thing that I did was throw out all of my R&B CDs. I had to throw them out because they were feeding my flesh and I had to keep lust at bay. I ate the Word (Bible) and matured spiritually.

As a result of my commitment to the Word of God, I was able to discern the evil spirit and false anointing of the Obeahman. However, I fight continually in this area. The devil has been trying to put a lot of tormenitng and discouraging thoughts in my head. Sometimes he succeeds momentarily, but I always rise and bounce back!


Today is the first day of October. I have a good feeling about October. This is my birth month, but I know that the devil has been trying to hinder my destiny, but no matter what it is well with my soul and I will receive my glorious inheritance!

Child Sacrifice

So, my parents' evil relatives want to sacrifice me.

Child sacrifice is a common ritual in many West African and Indian religions. Child sacrifice is usually done to pay for a sin. Anyways, Jesus Christ has already died on the cross for my sins. He was the sacrifice. No one is going to sacrifice me to appease a voodoo deity. I have already been ransomed!

Their evil desire is fueled by their jealousy. They would rather that I suffer and die than see me succeed. Satan has truly entered their hearts. In addition, a family conflict may hav also played a factor.

However, the Bible says that we are individually responsible to God for our sins. Ezekiel 18 clearly explains this. If your parents are righteous and you are evil, you will be punished. If you are righteous and your parents are evil, they will be punished.

It's obvious that the wicked don't understand justice (see Proverbs 28:5). By the way, whatever happened to animal sacrifices?


The Blood Speaks: Discover the Life-Giving Power of Jesus' Sacrifice