About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

On Leaving the Church

The Bible says to do good everyone, but especially to those who are of the faith. (Galatians 6:10) But, it seems as if the church is an expert on doing harm to believers. I am being persecuted for being a Christian by relatives who want me to practice witchcraft

The Bible says that we can expect suffering and persecution and I am blessed because of it (Matthew 5:10), but I did not expect the church to help the devil persecute me.

While not everyone walks in the same level of spiritual maturity, the church is filled with demons and the devil's children. His children are everywhere. They preach from the pulpit, they usher and greet guests, they minister and counsel others.

Since leaving the false church in June, there is not a single church that I have gone to that the devil has not infiltrated. The level of infiltration is disgusting. So disgusting that I have decided to take a break from the church. The Bible says that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, but that is not the case. I realize that the reason why so many pastors and churchgoers are helping him is because he promised to traffic my glory (anointing) and miracle (house) and give them a piece of the pie.

On Fri., July 24 and Sun., July 26, the ministers and members of Royalhouse Chapel in Bronx, NY held a secret meeting and allowed the witchdoctor (or my aunt) to masquerade as Rev. Johnnie. During those two days, I was tricked into consulting a medium when he asked to speak to me in his office, but I am covered by the blood of Jesus. He touched my left shoulder to blind my eyes and he also hit the top of my head to transfer schizophrenia onto me so I could react. This is probably why they all passed through the back door (near the parking lot).

This later led to a horrible event that both churches had preknowledge of and one member even gloated in afterwards.

In retrospect, they did this twice before while Rev. Derek Amanor was there. Minister Nai preached about the Hitties and the other -ites mentioned in the Bible and how they (the witchdoctor) would take my glory (spiritual gifts) and miracle (house) and traffic it and also ruin my reputation. [God will overthrow the devil's plans]. What they did to me at that church was beyond treacherous. I am still bothered by that experience!

On Fri., July 31, Pastor Roger and the leaders of Emmanuel Full Gospel Assembly also helped him (or my aunt) to masquerade as Pastor Robin and preach a message. When Pastor Roger saw me in the audience, he looked back and his eyes were filled with hate. He does not even know me, but it is obvious that the witchdoctor was going around telling people my future. In retrospect, Pastor Roger, Ishry Singh and the other leaders have also done this before. Ishry Singh also scratched the palm of my hand when he shook my hand after church once. I overheard someone say that this means that they are going to kill you or take your mind. I declare that I have the mind of Christ and deny the devil access to my mind.

On August 9, 2009, I attended Jesus People Ministries. The guest speaker's tongue was anointed.

On August 23, I attended El Rey Jesus with my mother. It took us an hour and a half to get there. We choose not to take the highway. 

That same Sunday, Mr. Maldonaldo said that if someone was demon-possessed or had an evil spirit, then the 6 p.m. service was the service to attend. I had no idea that I had an evil spirit until Bob Larson told me at one of his seminars. Larson said that I needed a lot of healing and prayer. I was shocked. How could I need healing? I attended El Rey Jesus for an entire month. I always sat in front of the pulpit. God later delivered me from those evil spirits. One of the spirits that I had was a python spirit, which squeezes the life out of you and kills you. 

Prior to attending the Bob Larson seminar, Mr. Maldonaldo stood at the altar calling out things that people needed to be delivered from. I went to the altar for asthma because the python spirit was squeezing my heart when I slept. When he saw me at the altar he said, "I'm sensing some demonic activity here. Loose her and let her go." He hit my head and I fell. I thought what demonic activity? But, nothing left and I still needed deliverance. My condition was so bad that the church which later helped me stopped service to minister to me.

I went to Trinity Church. Guylene Presendieu, who did witchcraft on me, went to Trinity Church and goes to Trinity Church. Guylene Presendieu told her friend Malikah Noel about Trinity Church. Malikah Noel and her sister went to Trinity Church. Malikah Noel did witchcraft to make me sick and did witchcraft so things don't go well for me and did witchcraft to make me have a car accident. Guylene Presendieu went to Trinity Church with girls who graduated from Barry University with her. One of the girls is called Christy Francois. Christy Francois, Jeaccinette and Guylene Presendieu did witchcraft so I don't have another job. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kerline Senat and Luna Remilien go to Trinity Church. Kerline Senat did witchcraft so I don't have a job. Luna Remilien and Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I never have money.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Trinity Church mail Guylene Presendieu things because Trinity Church mailed me things because I gave money when I went to Trinity.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Trinity Church have a girlfriends conference so she could do witchcraft to make Guylene Presendieu go to the conference because my home church had a women's conference.

Every time I go to church, someone seems to want to touch my left shoulder. I have learned how to fight and counteract every demonic touch, but all of this has caused my flesh to become exceedingly weak. The church has long been a safe haven for people, but not anymore. The devil is hot on my trail and I am delighted that he considers me a threat, but the church is conspiring with the devil instead of lifting a standard up against the enemy.

I am the church, but God did not create human beings for isolation. We are all parts of one body. God sees my heart and hunger for him and I do not have to be in an building to worship God or study his Word. I will not seek counsel from any pastor or minister. I have a power inside of me that is greater than the devil's that I am tapping into to bring forth my breakthrough. No amount of cursing and witchcraft can stop my destiny because it is inevitable!

I am not the member of any church, but I did find at least one trustworthy church!


Quitting Church: Why the Faithful are Fleeing and What to Do about It

Has Christianity Failed You? by Ravi Zacharias

The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor

Extreme Church Makeover

Love One Another: Becoming the Church Jesus Longs For by Gerald L. Sittser

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