About Me

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Sandra Remilien is an American. Sandra Remilien is a Christian Miami native who loves to write. She is currently unemployed because a jealous, illiterate Haitian witch named Jeaccinette Philogene has been doing witchcraft to monitor her so she can do witchcraft on every job that she applies to so they do not hire her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to get the password to her blog and gave someone and Guylene and Luna, who did witchcraft on her, the password to her blog so they could add things, change what she wrote so words are misspelled and it does not make sense and so people do not know the truth about the witchcraft that she did because she is stupid. Sandra Remilien does not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people say Sandra Remilien is Haitian and was born in Haiti so she can do witchcraft to make Sandra Remilien uplift Haitians. Sandra received a masters degree in journalism from Columbia University in 2008 and a bachelors degree in print journalism from the University of Miami in 2006.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On Raising my Children

I will have children one day, but I will not raise my children in exactly the same way that my parents have raised me and I will not raise my kids the way Jeaccinette thinks I will raise my kids.

My parents are far from perfect. They are bad parents. They don't defend their kids. My mother said she was going to poison me. My mother is illiterate. She said she never went to school because all she saw was cohabitating. She is a liar. She doesn't know her birthday. She called me a pig and animal. She put a cord and leaves under my feet when I was sleeping so she could do witchcraft so don't leave the house. She lied and said she heard things walking in the house. She put a moth ball in my pillow so she can help Jeaccinette do witchcraft on me. She knows Jeaccinette did witchcraft on me and said my head is not good if I say Jeaccinette did witchcraft on me, but she said my father's relative did witchcraft on me.

My mother tells my enemies things about me. I told her not to tell them things about me. She still told them.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft so I don't have money so she can do witchcraft to make my mother give me money. I have learned a lot from what they didn't do and should have done.

The best thing that my parents ever did for me was to enroll me in Saturday
school so I could develop a hunger and thirst for God. The imprint formed in my
spirit as a young girl can never be erased by the world, the devil or the schemes of wicked people.

My mother does not care if people does witchcraft on her kids and is more loyal to her enemies than to her own children. She is two-faced at times and not always candid. She tried to cover her enemies' sins while they continue to hurt her and her children. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to put diabetes on her and she lied about it and gave Jeaccinette some of her pills after Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make her doctor tell her that she no longer has diabetes. My mother took leaves from Jeaccinette to give me so that I do not eat and my mother lied about it when I confronted her about it. In spite of their persistent witchcraft, my mother remains friends with her enemies and even goes to church with Jeaccinette, one of the main perpetrators. My mother said that she would not stop talking to Jeaccinette even though she is doing witchcraft on both of us and talks to her every day.  I believe this is because she does not value her own self-worth.

My mother does not want the people who are doing witchcraft on me to pay for their sins. She said that I would die for seeking justice and she said that I would make the wrong people pay so Jeaccinette does not die for doing witchcraft on me.

My father can be a good listener. However, he pretends like he knows nothing about witchcraft when he clearly knows a little and can help defend his children. He told his cousin, Albert who has been doing witchcraft on me since I was 15 years old that I had a bad major while drinking beer in the living room. I was eavesdropping!

In addition, my parents sometimes believe the words of other people rather than the words of their children. I plan on listening to my children more than other people.

A parent who seeks to maintain poor family relations at the expense of their child's safety and well-being risks losing their children and ending their relationship.

My mother talks to Jeaccinette every day despite knowing that she is doing witchcraft on us. She refused to seek justice to put an end to the witchcraft. She justified her refusal with the philosophy: "They can't kill you, all they can do is make you suffer."

That's a poor philosophy for anyone who claims to be a parent to have. She even said that she will not cut ties with her jealous and wicked relatives for the sake of her own children.

When I confront her about the witchcraft being done on me, she lies and makes rude remarks. She does not care that they are wasting my life and will not leave me alone until they die. This is a result of a family conflict that she has tried hard to conceal. Her decision to maintain friendships with her jealous relatives is one of the main reasons that they continue doing witchcraft on us.

Jeaccinette  told my mother to tell me that Bishop Felix did witchcraft on me and not her so I could "mute a huile" for him and die and Jeaccinette would live and not die. I told my mother that she knew damn well that it wasn't him and she left the room. Bishop Felix (African witchdoctor) did witchcraft on me, but Jeaccinette wants to blame him for the witchcraft that she did on me.

My mother said that if I said Jeaccinette did witchcraft on me, then my head is not good. My mother lied and said that Jeaccinette didn't do witchcraft on me. 

Parenting is about more than provision. It is also about protection: physical and spiritual.

In addition, my parents have said many hurtful things to my siblings and I. I have forgiven those hurtful words, but they should never have been uttered.

My parents also want me to live with them so they can know what I am doing. I believe this can be unhealthy. I do not want to live with my parents. My parents left their parents' house when they were young. I do not agree that siblings should live near each other. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make people who did witchcraft on me live near me so she can ruin my life. During my first experience with witchcraft, I realized that living near my father's relatives is one of the things that caused people to do witchcraft on me. 

My parents prided themselves on living next to their relatives. The proximity made them happy, but I hated it. I do not believe in strong family ties. They are very detrimental. When you raise your children alongside relatives with children who are not successful according to their standards (i.e. no college education), they are prone to make comparisons and get jealous. For this reason, I have never been close to any relatives. I think that I need to move far away from our relatives because they have access my life although I try to keep them out.

Haitians are doing witchcraft on me because they do not want me to be successful and have any money. I refuse to allow my children to grow up thinking that it is a sin to be successful or prosperous or to have the fear that if they succeed, someone will try to do witchcraft on them. I have no intention of living near my wicked relatives. The cycle of jealousy and witchcraft stops with me!

Before God made Abram the father of many nations, he told him to get away from his relatives. In Genesis 12:1-2: "The Lord said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives and your father's family and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others."

Why would God say that?

Because if Abram continued living next to his father's relatives who were practicing idolatry, he would never have become all that was created to be. His relatives would have been detrimental to his future as they have been to mine. Abram had to move away from his family in order to be blessed.

My parents made sure that all of their children received their First Communion at the Catholic church. I received my communion at a very early age and this later fueled my hunger for God.

Jeaccinette, Rony, Kerline and Luna did witchcraft on me. Rony Remilien didn't want Jeaccinette to know he was having a baby because she does witchcraft. Jeaccinette, Jeaccinette's kids, Rony, Kaliah, Luna and Kerline are ugly. Jeaccinette hates me and is doing witchcraft on me because I am smarter, prettier and better than her kids and she is jealous of me. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make me have scars and pimples on my face because I am prettier than her and her kids, Guylene and Luna. Jeaccinette wants to know my kids so she can do witchcraft on them. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kerline, Monique, Luna and other people get pregnant. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Rony and his girlfriend Samora raise their daughter Kaliah how she thinks I will raise my kids, is doing witchcraft to make Kerline, Luna and other people raise their kids how she thinks I will raise my kids because she, Luna and Kerline are jealous of me, because she didn't raise her kids well and she doesn't know how to raise kids, because she did not do a good job of raising her kids, because she is stupid and because she is doing witchcraft to make Guylene be like me.

Jeaccinette hit her kids on the head with shoes. Jeaccinette's daughter's eyes rolled back because she let her go to school without eating. Rony does not buy food or make food for Kaliah. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony buy food for Kaliah. Rony lies on the bed while my father makes food for Kaliah. Rony does not buy soap or a gallon of milk or a gallon of juice. Rony uses the soap my father buys and Rony and Kaliah drink the juice my father buys. Rony and Samora buys the food I bought for Kaliah.

Jeaccinette is stupid. Jeaccinette called her kids stupid. Jeaccinette's kids are not smart. Jeaccinette's kids flunked. Jeaccinette does not like me because I am smart. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make me stupid because she is jealous of me because I am smarter than her and her kids. Kaliah does not like school. Rony called me a stupid bitch. Rony is stupid. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Kaliah smart because I am smart. No one ever did witchcraft to make me smart. Kaliah is six years old and Kaliah does not know when her birthday. Imani and Destiny are three years old and they know when their birthday is. Kaliah called my father and Luna's daughter stupid. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kaliah know her birthday because she saw I wrote on my blog Kaliah does not know her birthday. Kaliah said 8 plus 8 is B. Kaliah said Imani's aunt is Imani's grandmother. Kaliah said a queen is a boy and a king is a girl.

I did my homework by myself when I was in elementary school, middle school and high school. Kaliah can't do her homework by herself and asked Rony for help with her homework and for the answers to her homework and her school work.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kaliah Remilien watch the movie I watched so she could do witchcraft to make Kaliah know what the movie is about because Kaliah doesn't know what Boss Baby is about.

Jeaccinette thinks if Kaliah watches the movie I watched Kaliah will know what Boss Baby is about. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kaliah watch Toy Story and Boss Baby. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to know what I know about Toy Story so she could do witchcraft to make Kaliah know what Toy Story is about because Kaliah doesn't know what Toy Story or Boss Baby is about.

Kaliah calls other kids stupid and Rony called me stupid. Kaliah doesn't know what the movie she watched is about. Rony never passed the FCAT. Stupid people don't know what the movie they watched was about and stupid people can't pass the FCAT. Rony and Guylene couldn't pass the FCAT with multiple choice questions. I passed the FCAT that did not have multiple choice questions and asked people to give them the answers to the questions.

Jeaccinette wants me to watch kid movies so she can do witchcraft to make Kaliah Remilien know what the movies are about because Kaliah Remilien doesn't know what Boss Baby is about. 

Rony called Kaliah a monkey and Kaliah called Luna's daughter Chelsea a monkey. Monkeys do what they see other people do. Rony, Kaliah and Guylene are monkeys because they do what I do.

Kaliah said she is Haitian. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Kaliah say she is American because she thinks if I had a child they would say they are American. Kaliah does not know any of the Haitian songs she listened to.

I do not like Haitians because they do witchcraft. 

Rony said Hispanic people are racist. Samora does not like white people.

Jeaccinette does witchcraft on people and goes to church. Jeaccinette does witchcraft on churches. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Luna and Kerline go to church with their kids. Luna, Kerline and Kerline's sisters did witchcraft on me.

I don't like Kaliah. Kaliah said she doesn't like Hugette's daughter. Kaliah is a liar, selfish and greedy. Kaliah hits Luna's daughter, Kerline's daughter and Hugette's daughter. Rony knows Kaliah hits them and doesn't care. Kaliah lies and says they hit her. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Luna's daughter Chelsea attached to Kaliah. I don't want Kaliah, Guylene or Rony near me or my kids. Jeaccinette had sex with Rony and Guylene. Rony told Kaliah to stay away from me. Kaliah and Rony don't stay away from me because they are stupid.

Kaliah's mother Samora doesn't know if Kaliah is alive. Imani, Destiny and Chelsea and other children live with their parents in an apartment that their parents rent. Kaliah does not live in an apartment with her parents. Kaliah lives with her grandparents at her grandparent's house.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft so people don't hire me so she can do witchcraft to make Kaliah live with me because she is stupid and because she wants to do witchcraft to kill Kaliah. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to kill me because Kaliah was supposed to die. Kaliah parents are lazy and do not want to work. If Kaliah's parents were not lazy, Jeaccinette wouldn't want to do witchcraft to make Kaliah live with me or with other people.

Kaliah doesn't want other people's kid's to play with her toys. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make those people buy toys for Kaliah. I will never buy any toys for Kaliah.

Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Kaliah and Luna's daughter be like me because she is doing witchcraft to make Guylene like me and because she, Guylene, Rony, Samora and Luna are jealous of me and because she is nothing and because she, Kaliah, Guylene and Luna are stupid. Guylene, Kaliah and Luna are trying to be like me and I don't like them. Jeaccinette knows I really don't like Guylene or Kaliah or Luna and is doing witchcraft to make them like me. Jeaccinette's daughter is a prostitute like her. Jeaccinette's daughter asked a boy for $10 to have sex with her. Jeaccinette has sex with a guy for money.

Guylene and Kaliah are like Jeaccinette. Guylene, Jeaccinette, Rony, Samora and Kaliah are ugly, jealous and liars (they lie on people). Guylene is like Jeaccinette. Guylene and Jeaccinette did witchcraft on me and lied and said they did not do witchcraft on me and are jealous of me. Guylene is like Kaliah. Guylene and Kaliah are selfish. Kaliah is like Rony and Samora and Guylene: ugly and greedy and jealous. Kaliah is like Rony: selfish.

Guylene, Kaliah and Luna are stupid because they want to be like me and I don't like them and they want to be like other people. Rony and Samora are stupid because they want Kaliah to be like me. Rony, Samora and Jeaccinette are bad parents. Jeaccinette's daughter ran away because she did not have food to eat. Jeaccinette's daughter Stephanie's eyes rolled back into her head because Jeaccinette let her leave the house without eating. I do not want my kids to be like Rony, Luna, Kaliah, Samora or anyone else.

Monique Presendieu called Jeaccinette a demon. Ritane called Guylene, Kaliah, Rony and Sony a demon. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make people call Kaliah, Guylene and Imani a princess because Guylene calls people names and a man called me a princess and because Kaliah is a demon. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony call Kaliah the best because someone said I was the best. Rony and Kaliah are worse than me, Luna, Chelsea and Imani.

Kaliah, Guylene and Imani are not princesses. Kaliah and Guylene are liars and greedy.

Rony said I'm in the garbage. Rony, Samora and Kailah are garbage.

Rony does not want to walk to take Kaliah to school and pick Kaliah up from school. Rony asked my father to walk to pick Kaliah up from school. My father walked to take his kids to school and pick them up from school. My father walked to take David to school and pick David up from school when it rained.

Rony made Kaliah wear dirty panties. Kaliah is ugly. Kaliah and Jeaccinette's kids are worse than Luna's daughter, Hugette's daughter and Kerline's daughter.

Rony and Kaliah are jealous of Luna's daughter, Hugette's daughter and Kerline's daughter and me.

Kaliah, Jeaccinette and her kids and Guylene are worse than Luna's daughter, Hugette's daughter, Kerline's daughter and me.

Rony does not want to work. Rony and Samora had a baby and did not have a job and Rony lived with Kaliah and Samora at his father's house. I will never have a baby without having a job. I will never have a child with a guy who does not work and does not want to work. I will never live with my child at my father's house. Samora broke up with Rony and left Kaliah. My father is not working. Rony makes bills. I will not leave my kids at people's parent's house. Kaliah cannot sleep in the room Rony has by herself.

Rony has a refrigerator in the room he has at my father's house. Rony can't buy juice to put in the refrigerator. Rony and Kaliah drinks the juice my father buys and puts in the refrigerator.

Jeaccinette lived with her kids at her friend's house.

Jeaccinette's daughter said her hair stuck out when Jeaccinette did her hair and Jeaccinette did not do her hair good. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Samora do box braids and put beads in Kaliah's hair because my hair was in box braids and beads when I was little.

Jeaccinette's kids wear shoes that talk. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony, Malikah and Samora buy the tennis shoes I want to buy and did witchcraft to make Rony buy the tennis shoes I have for Kaliah. Jeaccinette did witchcraft on my shoes so she can do witchcraft to make my shoes talk because her kids wore shoes that talk.

Imani does not like Guylene. Imani does not want Guylene to do her hair. Guylene did witchcraft on Imani and lied and said she did not do witchcraft on Imani. I will not let Guylene near my kids or let Guylene do my kids hair.

Rony did not raise Kaliah. Rony does not feed Kaliah. My father feeds Kaliah. Rony does not make food for Kaliah or buy food for Kaliah. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony buy food for Kaliah. My father make food for Kaliah and Rony lies on the bed. Rony don't make noodles and soup for Kaliah. Rony is a horrible father. Sony told Rony that Luna's ex-boyfriend Jean is a horrible father.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony call Kaliah sweetheart and love because a man called me sweetheart and love. 

Kaliah and Rony are selfish. Rony and Samora do not buy any toys for Luna's daughter or Hugette's daughter. Luna and Hugette bought toys for Kaliah. Kaliah does not want Luna's daughter, Hugette's daughter and Kerline's daughter to play with her toys. Rony told Destiny not to play with Kaliah's toys. Rony told Imani not to play with any toys. Rony told Destiny he better not see her playing with any of Kaliah's toys. I am not buying any toys for Kaliah.

Kaliah lied and told her mother she is being a good girl.

Rony is going to live with my father until he dies.

Samora tried to have a baby. Samora doesn't want Kaliah. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Kaliah dress like me and do what I want to do.

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make me have scars on my face because she is jealous of me because I am prettier than her and her kids and because Guylene is ugly.

Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Kaliah be like me because Rony and Kaliah are jealous of me. Guylene and Kaliah are trying to be like me because they and Rony are miserable. 

Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make Rony and Hugette buy books for their kids. Jeaccinette did witchcraft to make my books yellow because Guylene said Guerda Francois ' teeth are yellow.

My mother is a liar. I don't want my mother to see my kids. My mother did witchcraft on me. I don't want Rony or Kaliah to know I have kids or they exist. Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make my mom see my kids because I do not want her to see my kids.

Jeaccinette is doing witchcraft to make Rony raise Kaliah how she thinks I will raise my kids because she is jealous of me and because she cannot do witchcraft to make Rony raise Kaliah how she raised her kids because she did not raise her kids well. Jeaccinette cannot do witchcraft to make Kaliah be like her kids because she knows her kids are stupid.

Kaliah is like Jeaccinette's kids. Kaliah and Jeaccinette's kids are lairs, stupid and ugly.

My kids will not try to be like anyone or try to dress like anyone, including someone who does not like them and who does not talk to them or someone who I told them to stay away from. No one will do witchcraft to make my kids like anyone or make me raise my kids how a Haitian witch thinks another person will raise their child.

So what's my parenting style? Raise my children up in the fear of the Lord, No family secrets, extreme discretion in handling my affairs, Rony, Kaliah, Samora and Sony do not go near my kids, no relatives whatsoever!


Raising Kids God's Way

My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts

365 Bible Stories for Young Hearts

Shepherding a Child's Heart

Effective Parenting in a Defective World (Focus on the Family)

Prayers That Avail Much for Parents

7 Absolutes to Pray Over Your Kids

Praying the Scriptures for Your Children

Boundaries with Teens: When to Say Yes, How to Say No

The New Strong-Willed Child

Your Girl: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World

Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter

Everybody Tells Me to Be Myself but I Don't Know Who I Am: Building Your Self-Esteem (Faithgirlz!)

Bringing Up Boys

Every Young Woman's Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World (The Every Man Series)

Every Young Man's Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation (The Every Man Series)

365 Days to Knowing God-Girls

365 Days to Knowing God-Guys

Better Dads, Stronger Sons: How Fathers Can Guide Boys to Become Men of Character

Parents' Answer Book

Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality: A Biblical Approach to Preparing Them for Life (Pure Foundations)

Raising Safe Kids in an Unsafe World by Jan Wagner

I Want to Teach My Child about Money by Kathie & Doug Rechkemmer

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